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Isotopic segregation between sympatric seabird species increases with nutritional stress. Biology Letters 8:442–445.
. 2012. Linking climate variability, productivity and stress to demography in a long-lived seabird. Marine Ecology Progress Series 454:221–235.
. 2012. Long-Term Population Survey of the Sulawesi Black Macaques (Macaca nigra) at Tangkoko Nature Reserve, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. American Journal of Primatology 75:88–94.
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Overwintering Physiology and Microhabitat Use of Phyllocnistis populiella (Lepidoptera: Gracilliariidae) in Interior Alaska. Environmental Entomology 41:180–187.
. 2012. Partitioning the effects of an ecosystemengineer: kangaroo rats control community structure via multiple pathways. Journal of Animal Ecology 81:667–678.
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Population dynamics of King Eiders breeding in Northern Alaska. The Journal of Wildlife Management.
. 2012. Population Ecology of Breeding Pacific Common Eiders on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska. Wildlife Monographs 182:1–28.
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Preservation of bone mass and structure in hibernating black bears (Ursus americanus) through elevated expression of anabolic genes. Functional Integrative Genomics 12:357-365.
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A review of designs for capture-mark-recapture studies in discrete time. Journal of Ornithology 152.
. 2012. Seabirds and climate change: roadmap for the future. Marine Ecology Progress Series 454:107–117.
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