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Found 1049 results
Crater, A. R. , and P. S. Barboza. 2007. The rumen in winter: Cold shocks in naturally feeding muskoxen. Journal of Mammalogy 88:625–631.
Lindberg, M. , and J. Walker. 2007. Satellite telemetry in avian research: sample size considerations. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:1002–1009.
Guisan, A. , C. H. Graham, J. Elith, F. Huettmann, and N. C. E. A. S. Species Di Group. 2007. Sensitivity of predictive species distribution models to change in grain size. Diversity and Distributions 13:332–340.
Boyer, B. B. , G. V. Mohatt, R. L. Pasker, E. M. Drew, and K. K. McGlone. 2007. Sharing Results from Complex Disease Genetics Studies: A Community Based Participatory Research Approach. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 66:19–30.
Long, R. A. , R. A. Hut, and B. M. Barnes. 2007. Simultaneous Collection of Body Temperature and Activity Data in Burrowing Mammals: A New Technique. Techniques and Technology Note 74:1375-1379.
Wilson, H. M. , P. L. Flint, T. L. Moran, and A. N. Powell. 2007. Survival of breeding Pacific common eiders on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:403–410.
Phillips, L. M. , A. N. Powell, R. J. Taylor, and E. A. Rexstad. 2007. Use of the Beaufort Sea by King Eiders Breeding on the North slope of Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:1892–1898.
Doak, P. , D. Wagner, and A. Watson. 2007. Variable extrafloral nectary expressioin and its consequences in quaking aspen. Canadian Journal of Botany 85:1–9.
Mason, D. D. , P. S. Barboza, and D. H. Ward. 2007. Winter location affects morphology of resident and migrant Pacific Black Brant. Canadian Journal of Zoology 85:728–736.
Lindberg, M. , D. H. Ward, T. L. Tibbitts, and J. Roser. 2007. Winter movement dynamics of black brant. Journal of Wildlife Management 71.
Wilson, R. E. , T. H. Valqui, and K. G. McCracken. 2006. Aberrant plumage in the Yellow-billed Pintail Anas georgica. Wildfowl 56:192–196.
Hinzman, L. D. , W. R. Bolton, K. C. Petrone, J. B. Jones, and P. C. Dams. 2006. Alaska’s Changing Boreal Forest. pp. 269-284 in M. W. Oswood, Van Cleve, K. , Viereck, L. A. , Verbyla, D. L. , and Chapin III, F. S. . . Oxford University PressNew York, NY.
Dave, K. R. , R. Prado, A. P. Raval, K. L. Drew, and M. A. Perez-Pinzon. 2006. The Arctic Ground Squirrel Brain Is Resistant to Injury From Cardiac Arrest During Euthermia. Journal of the American Heart Association 37:1261–1265.
Powell, A. N. . 2006. Are southern California’s fragmented salt marshes capable of sustaining endemic bird populations?. Studies in Avian Biology no. 32:198–204.
Weltzin, M. M. , H. W. Zhao, K. L. Drew, and D. J. Bucci. 2006. Arousal from hibernation alters contextual learning and memory. Behavioural Brain Research 167:128–133.
Barboza, P. S. , and K. L. Parker. 2006. Body protein stores and isotopic indicators of N balance in female reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) during winter. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 79:628–644.
Euskirchen, E. S. , P. Kurt S., and J. Chen. 2006. Carbon fluxes in a young, naturally regenerating jack pine ecosystem. Journal of Geophysical Research 111.
Hundertmark, K. J. , T. R. Bowyer, G. F. Shields, C. C. Schwartz, and M. H. Smith. 2006. Colonization history and taxonomy of moose Alces alces in southeastern Alaska inferred from mtDNA variation. Wildlife Biology 12:331–338.
Zhao, H. W. , A. P. Ross, S. L. Christian, J. N. Buchholz, and K. L. Drew. 2006. Decreased NR1 phosphorylation and decreased NMDAR functions in hibernating arctic ground squirrels. Journal of Neuroscience Research 84.
Hoekman, S. T. , T. S. Gabor, M. J. Petrie, and M. Lindberg. 2006. Demographics of breeding female mallards in southern Ontario, Canada. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:111–120.
Yan, J. , A. Burman, C. Nichols, L. Alila, L. C. Showe, M. K. Showe, B. B. Boyer, B. M. Barnes, and T. G. Marr. 2006. Detection of differential gene expression in brown adipose tissue of hibernating arctic ground squirrels with mouse microarrays. Physiological Genomics 25:346–353.
Zhao, H. , M. R. Castillo, S. L. Christian, A. Bult-Ito, and K. L. Drew. 2006. Distribution of NMDA Receptor Subunit NR1 in the Arctic Ground Squirrel Central Nervous System. Journal of Neurochemistry Anatomy 32:169–207.
Pittman, S. , and F. Huettmann. 2006. An Ecological Characterization of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Region. 1–33 in ( editor), Clark, R. , Pittman, S. , and Battista, T. .
