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Salmon-mediated nutrient flux in selected streams of the Columbia River basin, USA. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
. 2013. Sources and Perceptions of Indoor and Ambient Air Pollution in Rural Alaska.. J Community Health.
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A test of alternative models for increased tissue nitrogen isotope ratios during fasting in hibernating arctic ground squirrels. Journal of Experimental Biology 215:3354–3361.
. 2013. Time-lagged variation in pond density and primary productivity affects duck nest survival in the Prairie Pothole Region. Ecological Applications:130228133738005.
. 2013. Using DNA to Test the Utility of Pellet-Group Counts as an Index of Deer Counts. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:444-450.
. 2013. The wisdom of crowds: Predicting a weather and climate-related event. Judgment and Decision Making 8: 91-105 .
. 2013. Applications of spatial statistical network models to stream data. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 1:277-294.
. 2014. Dead before detection: Addressing the effects of left truncation on survival estimation and ecological inference for neonates. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5:992-1001.
. 2014. Dead before detection: addressing the effects of left truncation on survival estimation and ecological inference for neonates. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
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Ecological and evolutionary patterns of freshwater maturation in Pacific and Atlantic salmonines. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 24:689-707.
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Genetic diversity in caribou linked to past and future climate change. Nature Climate Change 4:132-137.
. 2014. Hearts of some Antarctic fishes lack mitochondrial creatine kinase.. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol 178:30-6.
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Integrating complexity in the management of human-wildlife encounters. Global Environmental Change:73-86.
. 2014. Isotopic nitrogen in fecal fiber as an indicator of winter diet in caribou and muskoxen.. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 28:625-34.
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Multi-trophic resilience of boreal lake ecosystems to forest fires. Ecology 95:1253–1263.
. 2014. Multi-trophic resilience of boreal lake ecosystems to forest fires. Ecology 95:1253–1263.
. 2014. Nutritional implications of increased shrub cover for caribou in the Arctic. Canadian Journal of Zoology 92.
. 2014. Occupancy of yellow-billed and Pacific loons: evidence for interspecific competition and habitat mediated co-occurrence. Journal of Avian Biology 45:296–304.
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