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Found 1049 results
Cameron, R. D. , W. T. Smith, R. G. White, and B. Briffith. 2002. U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, Biological Science Report USGS/BRD/BSR-2002-0001. . U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources DivisionReston, VA.
Rombach, E. P. , P. S. Barboza, and J. E. Blake. 2002. Utilization of copper during lactation in neonatal development in muskoxen. Canadian Journal of Zoology 80:1460–1469.
Johnstone, J. , D. Russell, and B. Griffith. 2002. Variations in plant forage quality in the range of the Porcupine caribou herd. Rangifer 22:65–74.
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DeVries, J. H. , J. J. Citta, M. Lindberg, D. W. Howerter, and M. G. Anderson. 2003. Breeding-season survival of mallard females in the prairie pothole region of Canada. Journal of Wildlife Management 37:551–563.
McCracken, K. G. , J. Hemmings, D. C. Paton, and A. D. Afton. 2003. Capture methods for Musk Ducks. Wildfowl 54:211–214.
Hueffer, K. , L. Govindasamy, M. Agbandje-McKenna, and C. R. Parrish. 2003. Combinations of two capsid regions controlling canine host range determine canine transferrin receptor binding by canine and feline parvoviruses.. J Virol 77:10099-105.
LaPerriere, J. D. , T. D. Simpson, and J. R. Jones. 2003. Comparative Linmology of Some Lakes in Interior Alaska. Lake and Reservoir Management 19:122–132.
Barboza, P. S. , E. P. Rombach, J. E. Blake, and J. A. Nagy. 2003. Copper status of muskoxen: a comparison of wild and captive populations. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 39:610–619.
Rombach, E. P. , P. S. Barboza, and J. E. Blake. 2003. Costs of gestation in an Arctic ruminant: copper reserves in muskoxen. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology 134:157–168.
Trumble, S. J. , P. S. Barboza, and M. A. Castellini. 2003. Digestive constraints on an aquatic carnivore: effects of feeding frequency and prey composition on harbor seals. Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology 173:501–509.
Zhao, H. , D. Bucci, M. Weltzin, and K. L. Drew. 2003. Effects of aversive stimuli on learning and memory in wild caught Arctic ground squirrels. Behavioral Brain Research.
Blums, P. , J. D. Nichols, M. Lindberg, J. E. Hines, and A. Mednis. 2003. Estimating natal dispersal movement rates of female European ducks with multistate modeling. Journal of Animal Ecology 72:1027–1042.
Hansen, T. F. , C. Pélabon, W. S. Armbruster, and M. Carlson. 2003. Evolvability and genetic constraint in Dalechampia blossoms: components of variance and measures of evolvability 16:754 - 766.
Hansen, T. F. , W. S. Armbruster, M. L. Carlson, and C. Pélabon. 2003. Evolvability and genetic constraint in Dalechampia blossoms: genetic correlations and conditional evolvability 296b:23 - 29.
Blums, P. , J. D. Nichols, M. S. Lindberg, J. E. Hines, and A. Mednis. 2003. Factors affecting breeding dispersal of European ducks on Engure Marsh, Latvia. Journal of Animal Ecology 72:292–307.
Fastie, C. L. , A. H. Llyod, and P. Doak. 2003. Fire history and postfire forest development in an upland watershed of interior Alaska. Journal of Geophsyical Research 108:8150.
Peltier, T. C. , and P. S. Barboza. 2003. Growth in an Arctic grazer: effects of sex and dietary nitrogen on yearling muskoxen. Journal of Mammalogy 84:915–925.
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Jones, J. B. , E. H. Stanley, and P. J. Mulholland. 2003. Long-term decline in carbon dioxide supersaturation in rivers across the contiguous United States. Geophysical Research Letters 30.
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Hundertmark, K. J. , R. T. Bowyer, G. F. Shields, and C. C. Schwartz. 2003. Mitochondrial phylogeography of moose (Alces alces) in North America. Journal of Mammalogy 84:718–728.
O'Brien, K. M. , C. Skilbeck, B. D. Sidell, and S. Egginton. 2003. Muscle fine structure may maintain the function of oxidative fibres in haemoglobinless Antarctic fishes.. J Exp Biol 206:411-21.
Urcelay, C. , M. S. Bret-Harte, S. Diaz, and F. S. Chapin. 2003. Mycorrhizal colonization mediated by species interactions in arctic tundra 137:399 - 404.
