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Sedinger, J. S. , M. S. Lindberg, M. Eichholz, and N. Chelgren. 1997. Influence of hatch date versus maternal and genetic effects on growth of black brant goslings. Auk 114:129–132.
Rae, D. A. , W. S. Armbruster, M. E. Edwards, and M. Svengard-Barre. 2006. Influence of microclimate and species interactions on the composition of plant and invertebrate communities in alpine northern Norway 29:266 - 282.
Rosas-Guerrero, V. , M. Wuesada, S. W. Armbruster, R. Perez-Barrales, and S. DeWitt Smith. 2011. Influence of pollination specialization and breeding system on floral integration and phenotypic variation in Ipomoea 652.
Wipfli, M. S. , J. Hudson, and J. Caouette. 1998. Influence of salmon carcasses on stream productivity: response of biofilm and benthic macroinvertebrates in southeastern Alaska, USA. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55:1503–1511.
Wipfli, M. S. , J. P. Hudson, D. T. Chaloner, and J. P. Caouette. 1999. Influence of salmon spawner densities on stream productivity in southeast Alaska. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56:1600–1611.
J Allan, D. , M. S. Wipfli, J. P. Caouette, A. Prussian, and J. Rodgers. 2003. Influence of streamside vegetation on inputs of terrestrial invertebrates to salmonid food webs. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 60:309–320.
Desai, A. , A. Noormets, P. V. Bolstad, J. Chen, B. D. Cook, K. J. Davis, E. S. Euskirchen, C. Gough, J. G. Martin, D. M. Ricciuto, H. Peter Schmid, J. Tang, and W. Wang. 2008. Influence of vegetation and seasonal forcing on carbon dioxide fluxes across the Upper Midwest, USA: Implications for regional scaling. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148:288–308.
Jinka, T. R. , B. T. Rasley, and K. L. Drew. 2012. Inhibition of NMDA-type glutamate receptors induces arousal from torpor in hibernating arctic ground squirrels (Urocitellus parryii). Journal of Neurochemistry 122:934–940.
Darnall, R. A. , M. B. Harris, W. H. Gill, J. M. Haffman, J. W. Brown, and M. M. Niblock. 2005. Inhibition of serotonergic neurons in the nucleus paragigantocellularis lateralis fragments sleep and decreases REM in the piglet: Implications for the sudden infant death syndrome. Journal of Neuroscience 25:8322–8332.
Goodstein, E. , E. Euskirchen, and H. Huntington. 2010. An initial estimate of the cost of lost climate regulation services due to changes in the Arctic cryosphere. Oceans North – Protecting Life in the Arctic (Pew).
Suttie, J. M. , R. G. White, T. R. Manley, B. H. Breier, P. D. Gluckman, P. F. Fennessy, and K. Woodford. 1993. Insulin-like factor 1 and growth seasonality in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) – comparisons with temperate and tropical cervids 13:91 - 97.
Walker, J. , J. J. Rotella, C. Loesch, R. W. Renner, J. K. Ringelman, M. S. Lindberg, R. Dell, and K. E. Doherty. 2013. An integrated strategy for grassland easement acquisition in the Prairie Pothole Region, USA. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management:130820144843008.
Jochum, K. A. , A. A. Kliskey, K. J. Hundertmark, and L. N. Alessa. 2014. Integrating complexity in the management of human-wildlife encounters. Global Environmental Change:73-86.
Barboza, P. S. , K. L. Parker, and I. D. Hume. 2009. Integrative Wildlife Nutrition. . Springer,Verlag.
Craig, E. , and F. Huettmann. 2008. Intelligent Data Analysis. 65–84 in H. F. Wang.
Hegel, T. M. , A. Mysterud, F. Huettmann, and M. Christian Stenseth. 2010. Interacting effect of wolves and climate on recruitment in a northern mountain caribou population. Oikos ONLINE:001–009.
Peirce, J. M. , E. O. Otis, M. S. Wipfli, and E. H. Follmann. 2013. Interactions between brown bears and chum salmon at McNeil River, Alaska. Ursus 24:42–53.
Karnovsky, N. J. , Z. W. Brown, J. Welcker, A. M. A. Harding, W. Walkusz, A. Cavalcanti, J. Hardin, A. S. Kitaysky, G. Gabrielsen, and D. Gremillet. 2011. Inter-colony comparison of diving behavior of an Arctic top predator: implications for warming in the Greenland Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 440:229–240.
Wen, J. , Q. - Y. (Jenny) Xiang, H. Qian, J. Li, X. - Q. Wang, and S. M. Ickert-Bond. 2009. Intercontinental and intracontinental biogeography–- patterns and methods. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 47:324–329.
Barboza, P. , and D. Jorde. 2002. Intermittent feeding during winter and spring affects body composition and reproduction of a migratory duck. Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology 172:419–434.
Barboza, P. S. , and D. G. Jorde. 2001. Intermittent feeding in a migratory omnivore: digestion and body composition of American black duck during autumn. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 74:307–317.
Oppel, S. , L. D. Dickson, and A. N. Powell. 2009. International importance of the eastern Chukchi Sea as a staging area for migrating king eiders. Polar Biology 32:775–783.
Dietrich, M. , F. Kempf, E. Gomez-Diaz, A. S. Kitaysky, M. J. Hipfner, T. Boulinier, and K. D. McCoy. 2012. Inter-oceanic variation in patterns of host-associated divergence in a seabird ectoparasite. Journal of Biogeography 39:545–555.
Mueller, I. A. , J. M. Grim, J. M. Beers, E. L. Crockett, and K. M. O’Brien. 2011. Inter-relationship between mitochondrial function and susceptibility to oxidative stress in red- and white-blooded Antarctic notothenioid fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology 214:3732–3741.
