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Found 1049 results
Dave, K. R. , R. Prado, A. P. Raval, K. L. Drew, and M. A. Perez-Pinzon. 2006. The Arctic Ground Squirrel Brain Is Resistant to Injury From Cardiac Arrest During Euthermia. Journal of the American Heart Association 37:1261–1265.
Powell, A. N. . 2006. Are southern California’s fragmented salt marshes capable of sustaining endemic bird populations?. Studies in Avian Biology no. 32:198–204.
Weltzin, M. M. , H. W. Zhao, K. L. Drew, and D. J. Bucci. 2006. Arousal from hibernation alters contextual learning and memory. Behavioural Brain Research 167:128–133.
Barboza, P. S. , and K. L. Parker. 2006. Body protein stores and isotopic indicators of N balance in female reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) during winter. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 79:628–644.
Euskirchen, E. S. , P. Kurt S., and J. Chen. 2006. Carbon fluxes in a young, naturally regenerating jack pine ecosystem. Journal of Geophysical Research 111.
Hundertmark, K. J. , T. R. Bowyer, G. F. Shields, C. C. Schwartz, and M. H. Smith. 2006. Colonization history and taxonomy of moose Alces alces in southeastern Alaska inferred from mtDNA variation. Wildlife Biology 12:331–338.
Zhao, H. W. , A. P. Ross, S. L. Christian, J. N. Buchholz, and K. L. Drew. 2006. Decreased NR1 phosphorylation and decreased NMDAR functions in hibernating arctic ground squirrels. Journal of Neuroscience Research 84.
Hoekman, S. T. , T. S. Gabor, M. J. Petrie, and M. Lindberg. 2006. Demographics of breeding female mallards in southern Ontario, Canada. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:111–120.
Yan, J. , A. Burman, C. Nichols, L. Alila, L. C. Showe, M. K. Showe, B. B. Boyer, B. M. Barnes, and T. G. Marr. 2006. Detection of differential gene expression in brown adipose tissue of hibernating arctic ground squirrels with mouse microarrays. Physiological Genomics 25:346–353.
Zhao, H. , M. R. Castillo, S. L. Christian, A. Bult-Ito, and K. L. Drew. 2006. Distribution of NMDA Receptor Subunit NR1 in the Arctic Ground Squirrel Central Nervous System. Journal of Neurochemistry Anatomy 32:169–207.
Pittman, S. , and F. Huettmann. 2006. An Ecological Characterization of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Region. 1–33 in ( editor), Clark, R. , Pittman, S. , and Battista, T. .
Ollerton, J. , W. S. Armbruster, and D. P. Vazquez. 2006. The ecology and evolution of specialized and generalized pollination: Introductory comments. 19 - 22 in J. Ollerton and Waser, N. Plant-Pollinator Interactions: From Specialization to Generalization. . Universiry of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Pravosudov, V. V. , and A. S. Kitaysky. 2006. Effects of nutritional restrictions during post-hatching development on adrenocortical function in western scrub-jays (Aphelocoma californica). General and Comparative Endocrinology 145:25–31.
Falke, J. A. , and K. B. Gido. 2006. Effects of reservoir connectivity on stream fish assemblages in the Great Plains. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:480-493.
Phillips, L. M. , and A. N. Powell. 2006. Evidence for wing molt and breeding site fidelity in king eiders. Waterbirds 29:148–153.
Armbruster, W. S. . 2006. Evolutionary and ecological perspectives on specialization: from the arctic to the tropics. 260 - 282 in J. Ollerton and Waser, N. Plant-Pollinator Interactions: From Specialization to Generalization. . University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Gomi, T. , A. C. Johnson, R. L. Deal, P. E. Hennon, E. H. Orlikowska, and M. S. Wipfli. 2006. Factors affecting distribution of wood, detritus, and sediment in headwater streams draining managed young-growth red alder-conifer forest in Southeast Alaska. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36:725–737.
Moynahan, B. J. , M. Lindberg, and J. W. Thomas. 2006. Factors contributing to process variance in annual survival of female greater sage grouse in north-central Montana. Ecological Applications 16.
Gido, K. B. , J. A. Falke, R. M. Oakes, and K. Hase. 2006. Fish-habitat relationships across spatial scales in prairie streams.. 265-286 in R. Hughes, Seelbach, P. , and Wang, L. Influences of landscape on stream habitat and biological communities. . American Fisheries SocietyBethesda, MD.
Doak, P. , P. Kareiva, and J. Kingsolver. 2006. Fitness consequences of choosy oviposition for a time-limited butterfly. Ecology 87:395–408.
Rodamn, J. R. , M. B. Harris, W. M. St.-John, and J. C. Leiter. 2006. Gap Junction Blockade does not Alter Eupnea or Gasping in the Juvenille Rat. Respiration Physiology Neurobiology 125:51–60.
Benowitz-Fredericks, Z. M. , A. S. Kitaysky, and C. W. Thompson. 2006. Growth and allocation in captive common murre (uria aalge) chicks. The Auk 123:1–13.
