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Found 1049 results
Johnson, K. P. , M. Kennedy, and K. G. McCracken. 2006. Reinterpreting the origins of flamingo lice: Cospeciation or host-switching. Biology Letters 2:275–278.
Pravosudov, V. V. , A. S. Kitaysky, and A. Omanska. 2006. The relationship between migratory behaviour memory and the hippocampus: an intraspecific comparison. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 273:2641–2649.
Barboza, P. S. , T. C. Peltier, and R. J. Forster. 2006. Ruminal fermentation and fill change with season in an arctic grazer: response to hyperphagia and hypophagia in muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 79:497–513.
Schuckard, R. , F. Huettmann, K. Gosbell, J. Geale, S. Kendall, Y. Gerasimov, E. Matsina, and W. Geeves. 2006. Shorebird and Gull Census at Moroshechnaya Estuary, Kamchatka, Far East Russia, during August 2004. Stilt 50:34–46.
Gerasimov, Y. , and F. Huettmann. 2006. Shorebirds of the Sea of Okhotsk: Status and Overview. Stilt 50:15–22.
Falke, J. A. , and K. B. Gido. 2006. Spatial effects of reservoirs on fish assemblages in great plains streams in Kansas, USA. River Research and Applications 22:55-68.
Huettmann, F. , and B. Czech. 2006. The Steady State Economy for Global Shorebird and Habitat Conservation. Endangered Species Research 2:89–92.
Lake, B. C. , J. Walker, and M. S. Lindberg. 2006. Survival of ducks banded in the boreal forest of Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:443–449.
McIntyre, C. , M. Collopy, and M. Lindberg. 2006. Survival probability and mortality of migratory juvenile golden eagles. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:717–722.
Sformo, T. , and P. Doak. 2006. Thermal ecology of Interior Alaska dragonflies (Odonata: Anisoptera). Functional Ecology 20:114–123.
Armbruster, W. S. , R. Perez-Barrales, J. Arroyo, M. E. Edwards, and P. Vargas. 2006. Three-dimensional reciprocity of floral morphs in wild flax (Linum suffruticosum): A new twist on heteryly 171:581 - 590.
Armbruster, W. S. , D. Rae, and M. E. Edwards. 2006. Topographic complexity and biotic response to high-latitude climate change: Variance is as important as the mean. 105 - 122 in J. B. Ørbæk al Arctic-Alpine Ecosystems and People in a Changing Environment. . Springer Verlag.
Lake, B. C. , M. Lindberg, J. A. Schmutz, R. M. Anthony, and F. J. Broerman. 2006. Using Videography to Quantify Landscape-level Availability of Habitat for Grazers: An Example with Emperor Geese in Western Alaska. Arctic 59:252–260.
Sidell, B. D. , and K. M. O’Brien. 2006. When bad things happen to good fish: the loss of hemoglobin and myoglobin expression in Antarctic icefishes. Journal of Experimental Biology 209:1791–1802.
Duffy, L. , M. Castillo, K. Drew, M. Harris, T. B. Kuhn, Y. L. Ma, and B. Taylor. 2007. Arctic Peoples and Beyond: Research Opportunities in Neuroscience and Behavior. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 66:264–275.
Wilson, R. E. , S. A. Sonsthagen, C. P. Barger, and K. G. McCracken. 2007. Asymmetric Molt or Feather Wear in Flying Steamer Ducks (Tachyeres patachonicus) from Coastal Habitats in Argentina. Ornitologia Neotropical 18:293–300.
Spackman, E. , K. G. McCracken, K. Winker, and D. E. Swayne. 2007. An avian influenza virus from waterfowl in South America contains genes from North American avian and equine lineages. Avian Diseases 51:273–274.
Mooers, A. O. , L. R. Prugh, M. Festa-Bianchet, and J. A. Hutchings. 2007. Biases in legal listing under Canadian endangered species legislation. Conservation Biology 21:572-575.
Mohatt, G. V. , R. Plaetke, J. Klejka, B. Luick, C. Lardon, A. Bersamin, S. Hopkins, M. Dondanville, J. Herron, B. Boyer, and C. A. N. H. Rresearch team. 2007. The Center for Alaska Native Health Research Study: A Community-Based Participatory Research Study of Obesity and Chronic Disease-Related Protective and Risk Factors. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 66:8–18.
Drew, K. L. , C. L. Buck, B. M. Barnes, S. L. Christian, B. T. Rasley, and M. B. Harris. 2007. Central nervous system regulation of mammalian hibernation: Implications for metabolic suppression and ischemia tolerance. Journal of Neurochemistry 102:1713–1726.
Drew, K. L. , C. L. Buck, B. M. Barnes, S. L. Christian, B. T. Rasley, and M. B. Harris. 2007. Central nervous system regulation of mammalian hibernation: Implications for metabolic suppression and ischemia tolerance. Journal of Neurochemistry 102:1713-1726.
Kimball, J. S. , M. Zhao, A. D. McGuire, F. A. Heinsch, J. Clein, M. Calef, W. M. Jolly, S. Kang, E. S. Euskirchen, K. C. McDonald, and S. W. Running. 2007. Climate driven increases in boreal and arctic vegetation productivity: Evidence of decreasing stability of the northern high latitude terrestrial carbon reservoir. Earth Interactions 11:30 pp.
Van Der Heyden, M. A. G. , B. Kok, E. N. Kouwenhoven, O. Toien, B. M. Barnes, V. Fedorov, and I. R. Efimov. 2007. Cloning, sequence analysis and phylogeny of connexin43 isolated from American black bear heart. DNA Sequence 18:380–384.
Brennan, P. L. R. , R. O. Prum, K. G. McCracken, M. D. Sorenson, R. E. Wilson, and T. R. Birkhead. 2007. Coevolution of male and female genital morphology in waterfowl. PLoS ONE 2:e419.
Ickert-Bond, S. , K. B. Pigg, and J. Wen. 2007. Comparative infructescence morphology in Altingia (Altingiaceae) and discordance between morphological and molecular phylogenies. American Journal of Botany 94:1094–1115.
