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Mason, D. D. , P. S. Barboza, and D. H. Ward. 2007. Winter location affects morphology of resident and migrant Pacific Black Brant. Canadian Journal of Zoology 85:728–736.
Mayer, C. , L. Adler, S. W. Armbruster, A. Dafni, C. Eardley, S. - Q. Huang, P. G. Kevan, J. Ollerton, L. Packer, A. Ssymank, J. C. Stout, and S. G. Potts. 2011. Pollination ecology in the 21st century: Key questions for future research 3:8 - 23.
McClellan, D. A. , and K. G. McCracken. 2001. Estimating the influence of selection on the variable amino acid sites of the cytochrome b protein functional domains. Molecular Biology and Evolution 18:917–925.
McCracken, K. G. , P. J. Fullagar, E. C. Slater, D. C. Paton, and A. D. Afton. 2002. Advertising displays of male Musk Ducks indicate population subdivision across the Nullarbor Plain of Australia. Wildfowl 53:137–154.
McCracken, K. G. , R. E. Wilson, P. J. McCracken, and K. P. Johnson. 2001. Are ducks impressed by drakes’ display?. Nature 413:128.
McCracken, K. G. . 2005. Bird Families of the World, Ducks, Geese, and Swans. 213–217 in J. Kear. . Oxford University Press.
McCracken, K. G. , W. P. Johnson, and F. H. Sheldon. 2001. Molecular population genetics, phylogeography, and conservation biology of the mottled duck (Anas fulvigula). Conservation Genetics 2:87–102.
McCracken, K. G. , J. Hemmings, D. C. Paton, and A. D. Afton. 2003. Capture methods for Musk Ducks. Wildfowl 54:211–214.
McEwan, E. H. , P. Whitehead, R. G. White, and J. O. Anvik. 1976. Effect of digestible energy intake on glucose synthesis in reindeer and caribou 54:737 - 751.
McGill, C. M. , K. E. Swearingen, K. L. Drew, B. T. Rasley, and T. K. Green. 2005. Reaction of Naphthalene-2, 3-dialdehyde with Cyanide: A Unique Oxidative Condensation Product. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry 42:475–481.
McGuire, A. D. , T. R. Christensen, D. Hayes, A. Heroult, E. Euskirchen, J. S. Kimball, P. Lafleur, P. A. Miller, W. Oechel, P. Peylin, M. Williams, and Y. Yi. 2012. An assessment of the carbon balance of Arctic tundra: comparisons among observations, process models, and atmospheric inversions. Biogeosciences.
McIntyre, C. , M. Collopy, and M. Lindberg. 2006. Survival probability and mortality of migratory juvenile golden eagles. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:717–722.
McMahon, S. M. , S. P. Harrison, S. W. Armbruster, P. J. Bartlein, C. M. Beale, M. E. Edwards, J. Kattge, G. Midgley, Z. Morin, and C. I. Prentice. 2011. Improving assessment and modelling of climate change impacts on global terrestrial biodiversity 26.
McNeil, P. , D. Russell, B. Griffith, A. Gunn, and G. Kofinas. 2005. Where the wild things are: seasonal variation in caribou distribution in relation to climate change. Rangifer Special Issue No. 19:51–63.
Medhurst, B. , M. Wipfli, C. Binckley, K. Polivka, P. Hessburg, and B. Salter. 2010. Headwater streams and forest management: Does ecoregional context influence logging effects on benthic communities?. Hydrobiologia 641:71–83.
Meixell, B. W. , T. W. Arnold, M. S. Lindberg, M. M. Smith, J. A. Runstadler, and A. M. Ramey. 2016. Detection, prevalence, and transmission of avian hematozoa in waterfowl at the Arctic/sub-Arctic interface: co-infections, viral interactions, and sources of variation. Parasites & Vectors 9:390.
Meixell, B. W. , M. S. Lindberg, P. B. Conn, C. P. Dau, J. E. Sarvis, and K. M. Sowl. 2013. Age-Specific Survival of Tundra Swans on the Lower Alaska Peninsula. The Condor 115:280 - 289.
Mellon, C. D. , M. S. Wipfli, and J. L. Li. 2008. Effects of forest fire on headwater stream macroinvertebrate communities in eastern Washington, U.S.A.. Freshwater Biology 53:2331–2343.
Meretsky, V. J. , L. A. Maguire, F. W. Davis, D. M. Stoms, M. J. Scott, D. Figg, D. D. Goble, B. Griffith, S. E. Henke, J. Vaughn, and S. L. Yaffee. 2012. A state-based national network for effective wildlife conservation. BioScience 62:970*-976.
Mills, L. S. , and M. A. Lindberg. 2002. Population Viability Analysis. 338–366 in S. R. Beissinger and McCullough, D. R. . . University of Chicago PressChicago, IL.
Milner, A. M. , J. G. Irons, and M. W. Oswood. 1997. The Alaska landscape: an introduction for limnologists. 1-44 in M. W. Oswood and Milner, A. M. Freshwaters of Alaska: ecological syntheses. . Springer-VerlagNew York.
Mizel, J. D. , J. H. Schmidt, C. L. McIntyre, and M. S. Lindberg. 2017. Subarctic-breeding passerines exhibit phenological resilience to extreme spring conditions. Ecosphere 8.
