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Journal Article
Staaland, H. , K. Hove, and R. G. White. 1986. Mineral absorption in relation to nutritional ecology of reindeer:279 - 287.
O’Hara, T. M. , G. Carroll, P. Barboza, K. Mueller, J. Blake, V. Woshner, and C. Willetto. 2001. Mineral and heavy metal status as related to a mortality event and poor recruitment in a moose population in Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 37:509–522.
Staaland, H. , R. G. White, and H. Kortner. 1995. Mineral concentrations in the alimentary tract of northern rodents and lagomorphs 112a:619 - 627.
O’Brien, K. M. . 2011. Mitochondrial biogenesis in cold-bodied fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology 214:275–285.
Biederman, A. M. , D. E. Kuhn, K. M. O'Brien, and E. L. Crockett. 2019. Mitochondrial membranes in cardiac muscle from Antarctic notothenioid fishes vary in phospholipid composition and membrane fluidity.. Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol 235:46-53.
Hundertmark, K. J. , R. T. Bowyer, G. F. Shields, and C. C. Schwartz. 2003. Mitochondrial phylogeography of moose (Alces alces) in North America. Journal of Mammalogy 84:718–728.
Hundertmark, K. J. , G. F. Shields, I. G. Udina, T. R Bowyer, Aa Danilkin, and C. C. Schwartz. 2002. Mitochondrial phylogeography of moose (Alces alces): late pleistocene divergence and population expansion.. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 22:375–87.
O'Brien, K. M. , R. Dirmeier, M. Engle, and R. O. Poyton. 2004. Mitochondrial protein oxidation in yeast mutants lacking manganese-(MnSOD) or copper- and zinc-containing superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD). J Biol Chem 279:51817-27.
Luick, B. R. , J. A. Kitchens, R. G. White, and S. M. Murphy. 1996. Modeling energy and reproductive costs in caribou exposed to low flying military jet aircraft:209 - 212.
Kruse, J. A. , R. G. White, H. E. Epstein, B. Archie, M. D. Berman, S. R. Braund, F. S. Chapin III, C. J. Sr., C. J. Daniel, J. Eamer, N. Flanders, B. Griffith, S. Haley, L. Huskey, S. James, J. Bernice, D. Klein, G. P. Kofinas, S. M. Martin, S. M. Murphy, W. Nebesky, C. Nicholson, D. E. Russell, J. Tetlichi, A. Tussing, M. D. Walker, and O. R. Young. 2004. Modeling sustainability of Arctic Communities: An interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers and local knowledge holders. Ecosystems 7:815–828.
Kruse, J. A. , R. G. White, H. E. Epstein, B. Archie, M. D. Berman, S. R. Braund, F. S. Chapin III, C. J. Sr., C. J. Daniel, J. Eamer, N. Flanders, B. Griffith, S. Haley, L. Huskey, S. James, J. Bernice, D. Klein, G. P. Kofinas, S. M. Martin, S. M. Murphy, W. Nebesky, C. Nicholson, D. E. Russell, J. Tetlichi, A. Tussing, M. D. Walker, and O. R. Young. 2004. Modeling sustainability of Arctic Communities: An interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers and local knowledge holders 7:815 - 828.
Peterson, E. E. , J. M. Ver Hoef, D. J. Isaak, J. A. Falke, M. - J. Fortin, C. E. Jordan, K. McNyset, P. Monestiez, A. S. Ruesch, A. Sengupta, N. Som, A. E. Steel, D. M. Theobald, C. E. Torgersen, and S. J. Wenger. 2013. Modelling dendritic ecological networks in space: an integrated network perspective. Ecology Letters:n/a-n/a.
Holleman, D. F. , R. G. White, and A. C. Allaye-Chan. 1990. Modelling of radiocesium transfer in the lichen-reindeer/caribou-wolf food chain:39 - 42.
Oakes, R. M. , K. B. Gido, J. A. Falke, J. D. Olden, and B. L. Brock. 2005. Modelling of stream fishes in the Great Plains, USA. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 14:361-374.
Mueller, I. , M. Hoffman, K. Dullen, and K. O’Brien. 2014. Moderate elevations in temperature do not increase oxidative stress in oxidative muscles of Antarctic notothenioid fishes. Polar Biology 37:311-320.
Kuhn, T. S. , K. A. McFarlane, P. Groves, A. Ø. Mooers, and B. Shapiro. 2010. Modern and ancient DNA reveal recent partial replacement of caribou in the southwest Yukon. Molecular Ecology 19:1312–1323.
Holand, O. , P. Aikio, H. Gjostein, M. Nieminen, K. Hove, and R. G. White. 2002. Modern reindeer dairy farming-the influence of different milking regimes on udder health, milk yield and composition 44:65 - 73.
Blix, A. S. , H. J. Grav, K. A. Markussen, and R. G. White. 1984. Modes of thermal protection in newborn muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) 122:443 - 453.
Fedorov, V. B. , A. V. Goropashnaya, O. Toien, N. C. Stewart, C. Chang, H. Wang, J. Yan, L. C. Showe, M. K. Showe, and B. M. Barnes. 2011. Modulation of gene expression in heart and liver of hibernating black bears (Ursus americanus). BMC Genomics 12:171.
Yan, J. , B. M. Barnes, F. Kohl, and T. Marr. 2008. Modulation of gene expression in hibernating arctic ground squirrels. Physiological Genomics 32:170–181.
Corcoran, A. , G. Richerson, and M. Harris. 2010. Modulation of respiratory activity by hypocretin-1 (orexin A) in situ and in vitro. New Frontiers in Respiratory Control 669:109–113.
Noormets, A. , A. R. Desai, B. D. Cook, E. S. Euskirchen, D. M. Ricciuto, K. J. Davis, P. V. Bolstad, H. P. Schmid, C. V. Vogel, E. V. Carey, H. B. Su, and J. Chen. 2008. Moisture sensitivity of ecosystem respiration: Comparison of 14 forest ecosystems in the Upper Great Lakes Region, USA. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148:216–230.
