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Mohatt, G. V. , R. Plaetke, J. Klejka, B. Luick, C. Lardon, A. Bersamin, S. Hopkins, M. Dondanville, J. Herron, B. Boyer, and C. A. N. H. Rresearch team. 2007. The Center for Alaska Native Health Research Study: A Community-Based Participatory Research Study of Obesity and Chronic Disease-Related Protective and Risk Factors. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 66:8–18.
Mooers, A. O. , L. R. Prugh, M. Festa-Bianchet, and J. A. Hutchings. 2007. Biases in legal listing under Canadian endangered species legislation. Conservation Biology 21:572-575.
Morris, A. B. , S. T. Ickert-Bond, B. Brunson, D. E. Soltis, and P. S. Soltis. 2008. Phylogeographical structure and temporal complexity in American sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua; Altingiaceae). Molecular Ecology 17:3889–3900.
Morse, J. A. , A. N. Powell, and M. D. Tetreau. 2006. Productivity of black oystercatchers: effects of recreational disturbance in a national park. The Condor 108:623–633.
Moynahan, B. J. , M. S. Lindberg, J. J. Rotella, and J. W. Thomas. 2007. Factors affecting nest survival of greater sage grouse in north-central Montana. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:1773–1783.
Moynahan, B. J. , M. Lindberg, and J. W. Thomas. 2006. Factors contributing to process variance in annual survival of female greater sage grouse in north-central Montana. Ecological Applications 16.
Muchhala, N. , Z. Brown, S. W. Armbruster, and M. D. Potts. 2010. Competition Drives Specialization in Pollination Systems Through Costs to Male Fitness 176:732 - 743.
Mueller, I. A. , D. P. Devor, J. M. Grim, J. M. Beers, E. L. Crockett, and K. M. O'Brien. 2012. Exposure to critical thermal maxima increases oxidative stress in hearts of white- but not red-blooded Antarctic notothenioid fishes.. J Exp Biol 215:3655-64.
Mueller, I. , M. Hoffman, K. Dullen, and K. O’Brien. 2014. Moderate elevations in temperature do not increase oxidative stress in oxidative muscles of Antarctic notothenioid fishes. Polar Biology 37:311-320.
Mueller, I. A. , J. M. Grim, J. M. Beers, E. L. Crockett, and K. M. O’Brien. 2011. Inter-relationship between mitochondrial function and susceptibility to oxidative stress in red- and white-blooded Antarctic notothenioid fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology 214:3732–3741.
Munn, A. J. , and P. S. Barboza. 2008. Could a big gut be too costly for muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) in their first winter?. Zoology 111:350–362.
Munn, A. J. , P. S. Barboza, and J. Dehn. 2009. Sensible Heat Loss from Muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) Feeding in Winter: Small Calves Are Not at a Thermal Disadvantage Compared with Adult Cows. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 82:455–467.
Murphy, S. M. , R. G. White, B. A. Kugler, J. A. Kitchens, , and D. S. Barber. 1993. Behavioral effects of jet aircraft on caribou in Alaska. 479 - 486 in M. Vallet Noise & Man '93: Noise as a public health problem. Proc. 6th Intl. Congr. . Inrets.
Myers, B. J. E. , A. J. Lynch, D. B. Bunnell, C. Chu, J. A. Falke, R. P. Kovach, T. J. Krabbenhoft, T. J. Kwak, and C. P. Paukert. 2017. Global synthesis of the documented and projected effects of climate change on inland fishes. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 27:339-361.
Nash, S. H. , A. R. Kristal, B. B. Boyer, I. B. King, J. S. Metzgar, and D. M. O’Brien. 2009. Relation between stable isotope ratios in human red blood cells and hair: implications for using the nitrogen isotope ratio of hair as a biomarker of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 90:1642–1647.
Nash, S. H. , A. Bersamin, A. R. Kristal, S. E. Hopkins, R. S. Church, R. L. Pasker, B. R. Luick, G. V. Mohatt, B. B. Boyer, and D. M. O’Brien. 2012. Stable Nitrogen and Carbon Isotope Ratios Indicate Traditional and Market Food Intake in an Indigenous Circumpolar Population1–3. The Journal of Nutritional Epidemiology 142:84–90.
Nemitz, D. , F. Huettmann, E. M. Spehn, and B. W. Dickore. 2012. Protection of the Three Poles. 135–158 in . . Springer.
Niedzialkowska, M. , K. H. Hundertmark, B. Jedrzejewska, V. E. Sidorovich, H. Zalewska, R. Veeroja, E. J. Solberg, S. Laaksonen, H. Sand, V. A. Solovyev, A. Sagaydak, J. Tiainen, R. Juskaitis, G. Done, V. A. Borodulin, E. A. Tulandin, and K. Niedzialkowski. 2016. The contemporary genetic pattern of European moose is shaped by postglacial recolonization, bottlenecks, and the barrier effect of the Baltic Sea. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 117:879-894.
