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Found 1049 results
Shultz, M. Todd, and A. Stanislav Kitaysky. 2008. Spatial and temporal dynamics of corticosterone and corticosterone binding globulin are driven by environmental heterogeneity. General and Comparative Endocrinology 155:717–728.
Bentzen, R. L. , A. N. Powell, and R. S. Suydam. 2008. Strategies for Nest-Site Selection by King Eiders. The Journal of Wildlife Management 73:932–938.
Z. Benowitz-Fredericks, M. , M. T. Shultz, and A. S. Kitaysky. 2008. Stress hormones suggest opposite trends of food availability for planktivorous and piscivorous seabirds in 2 years. Deep-Sea Research II 55:1868–1876.
Takahashi, A. , K. Matsumoto, H. Jr. George L., M. T. Shultz, A. S. Kitaysky, K. Sato, K. Iida, and Y. Watanuki. 2008. Thick-billed murres use different diving behaviors in mixed and stratified waters. Deep-Sea Research II 55:1837–1845.
Oppel, S. , A. N. Powell, and D. L. Dickson. 2008. Timing and Distance of King Eider Migration and Winter Movements. The Condor 110:296–305.
Prugh, L. R. , S. M. Arthur, and C. E. Ritland. 2008. Use of fecal genotyping to determine individual diet. Wildlife Biology 14:318-330.
White, D. , V. Autier, K. Yoshikawa, J. Jones, and S. Seelen. 2008. Using DOC to better understand local hydrology in a subArctic watershed. Cold Regions Science and Technology 51:68–75.
Schuur, E. A. G. , J. Bockheim, J. G. Canadell, E. Euskirchen, C. B. Field, S. V. Goryachkin, S. Hagemann, P. Kuhry, P. M. Lafleur, H. Lee, G. Mazhitova, F. E. Nelson, A. Rinke, V. E. Romanovsky, N. Shiklomanov, C. Tarnocai, S. Venevsky, J. G. Vogel, and S. A. Zimov. 2008. Vulnerability of permafrost carbon to climate chnage: Implications for the global carbon cycle. BioScience 58:701–714.
Bersamin, A. , B. R. Luick, L. B. King, J. S. Stern, and S. Zudenderg-Cherr. 2008. Westernizing diets influence fat intake, red blood cell fatty acid composition, and health in remote Alaskan Native communities in the Center for Alaska Native Health Study. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 108:266–273.
Caroffino, D. C. , S. Trent M., and M. S. Lindberg. 2009. Abundance and movement patterns of age-0 juvenile lake sturgeon in the Peshtigo River, Wisconsin. Environmental Biology of Fishes 86:411–422.
Chung, W. K. , A. Patki, N. Matsuoka, B. B. Boyer, N. Liu, S. K. Musani, A. V. Goropashnaya, P. L. Tan, N. Katsanis, S. B. Johnson, P. K. Gregersen, D. B. Allison, R. L. Leibel, and H. K. Tiwari. 2009. Analysis of 30 Genes (355 SNPS) Related to Energy Homeostasis for Association with Adiposity in European-American and Yup’ik Eskimo Populations. Human Heredity 67:193–205.
Duman, J. G. , K. R. Walters, T. Sformo, M. A. Carrasco, P. Nickell, and B. M. Barnes. 2009. Antifreeze and ice nucleator proteins. 59-90 in Insects at Low Temperature.
Lee, T. N. , B. M. Barnes, and C. L. Buck. 2009. Body temperature patterns during hibernation in a free-living Alaska marmot (Marmota broweri). Ethology Ecology & Evolution 21:403-413.
Phillips, L. M. , and A. N. Powell. 2009. Brood Rearing Ecology of King Eiders on the North Slope of Alaska. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121:430–434.
Dot, T. Jeanniard, D. A. S. Rosen, J. P. Richmond, A. S. Kitaysky, S. A. Zinn, and A. W. Trites. 2009. Changes in glucocorticoids, IGF-I and thyroid hormones as indicators of nutritional stress and subsequent refeeding in Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A152:524–534.
Euskirchen, E. S. , A. D. McGuire, F. S. Chapin III, S. Yi, and C. C. Thompson. 2009. Changes in vegetation in northern Alaska under scenarios of climate change, 2003–2100: implications for climate feedbacks. Ecological Applications 19:1022–1043.
Griffith, B. , M. J. Scott, R. Adamcik, D. Ashe, B. Czech, R. Fischman, P. Gonzales, J. Lawler, D. A. McGuire, and A. Pidgorna. 2009. Climate Change Adaptation for the US National Wildlife Refuge System. Environmental Management 44:1043–1052.
Betts, M. G. , L. M. Ganio, M. M. Huso, N. A. Som, F. Huettmann, J. Bowman, and B. A. Wintle. 2009. Comment on ‘‘Methods to account for spatial autocorrelation in the analysis of species distributional data: A review’’. Ecography Early View.
Gido, K. B. , J. F. Schaefer, and J. A. Falke. 2009. Convergence of fish communities from the littoral zone of reservoirs. Freshwater Biology 54:1163-1177.
Welcker, J. , A. M. A. Harding, A. S. Kitaysky, J. R. Speakman, and G. W. Gabrielsen. 2009. Daily energy expenditure increases in response to low nutritional stress in an Arctic-breeding seabird with no effect on mortality. Functional Ecology 23:1081–1090.
Patel, J. C. , K. Hueffer, T. T. Lam, and J. E. Galán. 2009. Diversification of a Salmonella virulence protein function by ubiquitin-dependent differential localization.. Cell 137:283-94.
Oppel, S. , and A. N. Powell. 2009. Does winter region affect spring arrival time and body mass of king eiders in northern Alaska?. Polar Biology 32:1203–1209.
Post, E. , M. C. Forchhammer, S. M. Bret-Harte, T. V. Callaghan, T. R. Christensen, B. Elberling, A. D. Fox, O. Gilg, D. S. Hik, T. T. Hoye, R. A. Ims, E. Jeppesen, D. R. Klein, J. Madsen, D. A. McGuire, S. Rysgaard, D. E. Schindler, I. Stirling, M. P. Tamstorf, N. J. C. Tyler, R. van der Wal, J. Welker, P. A. Wookey, N. M. Schmidt, and P. Aastrup. 2009. Ecological dynamics across the Arctic associated with recent climate change. Science 325:1355 - 1358.
