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Found 1049 results
Gooseff, M. N. , A. Balser, W. B. Bowden, and J. B. Jones. 2009. Effects of hillslope thermokarst in Northern Alaska. EOS 90:29–36.
Brinkman, T. J. , M. K. Schwartz, D. K. Person, K. L. Pilgrim, and K. J. Hundertmark. 2009. Effects of time and rainfall on PCR success using DNA extracted from deer fecal pellets. Conservation Genetics 11:1547–1552.
Fedorov, V. B. , A. V. Goropashnaya, O. Toien, N. C. Stewart, A. Y. Gracey, C. Change, S. Qin, G. Pertea, J. Quackenbush, L. C. Showe, M. K. Showe, B. B. Boyer, and B. M. Barnes. 2009. Elevated expression of protein biosynthesis genes in liver and muscle of hibernating black bears (Ursus americanus). Physiological Genomics 37:108-118.
Wilson, R. J. A. , B. E. Taylor, and M. B. Harris. 2009. The Encyclopedia of Neuroscience 3rd Ed.
Karpovich, S. A. , O. Toien, L. C. Buck, and B. M. Barnes. 2009. Energetics of arousal episodes in hibernating arctic ground squirrels. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 179:691-700.
Schmidt, J. H. , M. S. Lindberg, D. S. Johnson, and J. A. Schmutz. 2009. Environmental and human influences on trumpeter swan habitat occupancy in Alaska. The Condor 111:266–275.
Prugh, L. R. . 2009. An evaluation of patch connectivity measures. Ecological Applications 19:1300-1310.
Wen, J. , and S. M. Ickert-Bond. 2009. Evolution of the Madrean–Tethyan disjunctions and the North and South American amphitropical disjunctions in plants. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 47:331–348.
Gunn, A. , D. Russell, R. White, and G. P. Kofinas. 2009. Facing a future of change: Wild migratory caribou and reindeer 4:iii-vi.
Harding, A. M. A. , A. S. Kitaysky, M. E. Hall, J. Welcker, N. J. Karnovsky, S. L. Talbot, K. C. Hamer, and D. Gremillet. 2009. Flexibility in the parental effort of an Arctic-breeding seabird. Functional Ecology 23:348–358.
Walters, Jr., K. R. , T. Sformo, B. M. Barnes, and J. G. Duman. 2009. Freeze tolerance in an arctic Alaska stonefly. Journal of Experimental Biology 212:305–312.
Booms, T. L. , F. Huettmann, and P. F. Schempf. 2009. Gyrfalcon nest distribution in Alaska based on a predictive GIS model. Polar Biology online.
Betts, E. F. , and J. B. Jones. 2009. Impact of wildfire on stream nutrient chemistry and ecosystem metabolism in boreal forest catchments of Interior Alaska. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 41:407–417.
Harding, A. M. A. , A. S. Kitaysky, K. C. Hamer, M. E. Hall, J. Welcker, S. L. Talbot, N. J. Karnovsky, G. W. Gabrielsen, and D. Gremillet. 2009. Impacts of experimentally increased foraging effort on the family: Offspring sex matters. Animal Behavior 78:321–328.
Barboza, P. S. , K. L. Parker, and I. D. Hume. 2009. Integrative Wildlife Nutrition. . Springer,Verlag.
Wen, J. , Q. - Y. (Jenny) Xiang, H. Qian, J. Li, X. - Q. Wang, and S. M. Ickert-Bond. 2009. Intercontinental and intracontinental biogeography–- patterns and methods. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 47:324–329.
Oppel, S. , L. D. Dickson, and A. N. Powell. 2009. International importance of the eastern Chukchi Sea as a staging area for migrating king eiders. Polar Biology 32:775–783.
Martin, K. H. , M. S. Lindberg, J. A. Schmutz, and M. R. Bertram. 2009. Lesser Scaup Breeding Probability and Female Survival on the Yukon Flats, Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:914–923.
Davies, B. L. , C. M. Brundage, M. B. Harris, and B. E. Taylor. 2009. Lung respiratory rhythm and pattern generation in the bullfrog: Role of neurokinin-1 and u-opioid receptors. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 179:579–592.
Pearce, J. M. , K. G. McCracken, T. K. Christensen, and Y. N. Zhuravlev. 2009. Migratory patterns and population structure among breeding and wintering red-breasted mergansers (Mergus serrator) and common mergansers (M. merganser). The Auk 126:784–798.
Thomson, D. L. , M. J. Conroy, D. R. Anderson, K. P. Burnham, E. G. Cooch, C. M. Francis, J. - D. Lebreton, M. S. Lindberg, B. J. T. Morgan, D. L. Otis, and G. C. White. 2009. Modeling Demographic Processes in Marked Populations.
Lechner, I. , P. Barboza, W. Collins, D. Gunther, B. Hattendorf, J. Hummel, and M. Clauss. 2009. No ’bypass’ in adult ruminants: Passage of fluid ingested vs. fluid inserted into the rumen in fistulated muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus), reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) and moose (Alces alces). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 154:151–156.
