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Parker, K. L. , R. G. White, M. P. Gillingham, and D. F. Holleman. 1990. Comparison of energy metabolism in relation to daily activity and milk consumption by caribou and muskox neonates 68:106 - 114.
Parker, K. L. , P. S. Barboza, and M. P. Gillingham. 2009. Nutrition integrates environmental responses of ungulates. Functional Ecology 23:57–69.
Parker, K. L. , P. S. Barboza, and T. R. Stephenson. 2005. Protein conservation in female caribou (Rangifer tarandus): Effects of decreasing diet quality during winter. Journal of Mammalogy 86:610–622.
Parker, K. L. , and P. S. Barboza. 2013. Hand-Rearing Wild Caribou Calves for Studies of Nutritional Ecology 32:163 - 171.
Patel, J. C. , K. Hueffer, T. T. Lam, and J. E. Galán. 2009. Diversification of a Salmonella virulence protein function by ubiquitin-dependent differential localization.. Cell 137:283-94.
Pearce, J. M. , K. G. McCracken, T. K. Christensen, and Y. N. Zhuravlev. 2009. Migratory patterns and population structure among breeding and wintering red-breasted mergansers (Mergus serrator) and common mergansers (M. merganser). The Auk 126:784–798.
Peirce, J. M. , E. O. Otis, M. S. Wipfli, and E. H. Follmann. 2011. Radiotelemetry to Estimate Stream Life of Adult Chum Salmon in the McNeil River, Alaska. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31:315–322.
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Pélabon, C. , M. L. Carlson, T. F. Hanse, and W. S. Armbruster. 2005. Effects of crossing distance on offspring fitness and developmental stability in Dalchampia scandens (Euphorbiaceae) 92:842 - 851.
Pélabon, C. , T. F. Hansen, M. L. Carlson, N. G. Yoccoz, and W. S. Armbruster. 2004. Consequences of inter-population crosses on developmental stability and canalization of floral traits in Dalechampia scandens 17:19 - 32.
Pélabon, C. , T. F. Hansen, M. Carlson, and W. S. Armbruster. 2004. Variational and genetic properties of developmental stability in Dalechampia scandens 58:504 - 514.
Pelabon, C. , P. Thone, T. F. Hansen, and S. W. Armbruster. 2012. Signal honesty and cost of pollinator rewards in Dalechampia scandens (Euphorbiaceae) 109:1331 - 1339.
Pélabon, C. , T. F. Hansen, M. L. Carlson, and W. S. Armbruster. 2006. Patterns of asymmetry in the twining vie Dalechampia scandens (Euphorbiaceae): ontogenetic and hierarchical perspectives 170:65 - 74.
Peltier, T. C. , P. S. Barboza, and J. E. Blake. 2003. Seasonal hyperphagia does not reduce digestive efficiency in an Arctic grazer. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 76:471–483.
Peltier, T. C. , and P. S. Barboza. 2003. Growth in an Arctic grazer: effects of sex and dietary nitrogen on yearling muskoxen. Journal of Mammalogy 84:915–925.
Perkin, J. S. , K. B. Gido, J. A. Falke, K. D. Fausch, H. Crockett, E. R. Johnson, and J. Sanderson. 2017. Groundwater declines are linked to changes in Great Plains stream fish assemblages. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114:7373-7378.
Perry, G. , M. Taddeo, A. Nunomura, X. Zhu, T. Zenteno-Savin, K. L. Drew, S. Shimohama, J. Avila, R. J. Castellani, and M. A. Smith. 2002. Comparative biology and pathology of oxidative stress in Alzheimer and other neurodegenerative diseases: beyond damage and reponse. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology 133:507–513.
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Person, S. J. , R. E. Pegau, R. G. White, and J. R. Luick. 1980. In vitro and nylon bag digestibilities of reindeer and caribou forages 44:613 - 622.
Peters, J. L. , K. G. McCracken, R. E. Wilson, Y. N. Zhuravlev, Y. Lu, K. P. Johnson, and K. E. Omland. 2005. Phylogenetics of wigeons and allies (Anatidae: Anas spp.): The importance of sampling multiple loci and multiple individuals. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 35:209–224.
