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Woldstad, T. M. , K. N. Dullen, K. J. Hundertmark, and K. B. Beckmen. 2014. Restricted evaluation of Trichodectes canis (Phthiraptera: Trichodectidae) detection methods in Alaska gray wolves. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 3:239-241.
Wolfe, S. A. , B. Griffith, and C. A. G. Wolfe. 2000. Response of reindeer and caribou to human activities. Polar Research 19:63–73.
Wronski, T. , T. Wacher, R. L. Hammond, B. Winney, K. J. Hundertmark, M. J. Blacket, O. B. Mohammed, B. Flores, Sa. Omer, W. Macasero, M. Plath, R. Tiedemann, and C. Bleidorn. 2010. Two reciprocally monophyletic mtDNA lineages elucidate the taxonomic status of Mountain gazelles ( Gazella gazella ). Systematics and Biodiversity 8:119–129.
Xu, Y. , C. Shao, V. B. Fedorov, A. V. Goropashnaya, B. M. Barnes, and J. Yan. 2013. Molecular signatures of mammalian hibernation: comparisons with alternative phenotypes. BMC Genomics 14:567.
Yan, J. , A. Burman, C. Nichols, L. Alila, L. C. Showe, M. K. Showe, B. B. Boyer, B. M. Barnes, and T. G. Marr. 2006. Detection of differential gene expression in brown adipose tissue of hibernating arctic ground squirrels with mouse microarrays. Physiological Genomics 25:346–353.
Yan, J. , B. M. Barnes, F. Kohl, and T. Marr. 2008. Modulation of gene expression in hibernating arctic ground squirrels. Physiological Genomics 32:170–181.
Yannic, G. , L. Pellisier, J. Ortego, N. Lecomte, S. Couturier, C. Cuyler, C. Dussault, K. J. Hundertmark, R. J. Irvine, D. A. Jenkins, L. Kolpashikov, K. Mager, M. Musiani, K. L. Parker, K. H. Roed, T. Sipko, P. S.G., B. V. Weckworth, A. Guisan, L. Bernatchez, and S. D. Cote. 2014. Genetic diversity in caribou linked to past and future climate change. Nature Climate Change 4:132-137.
Yassai, M. , D. Bosenko, M. Unruh, G. Zacharias, E. Reed, W. Demos, A. Ferrante, and J. Gorski. 2011. Naive T cell repertoire skewing in HLA-A2 individuals by a specialized rearrangement mechanism results in public memory clonotypes.. J Immunol 186:2970-7.
Yen, P. , S. Ziegler, F. Huettmann, and A. I. Onyeahialam. 2005. Change detection of forest and habitat resources from 1973 to 2001 in Bach Ma National Park, Vietnam, using remote sensing imagery. International Journal of Forestry 7:1–8.
Young, B. , D. Wagner, P. Doak, and T. Clausen. 2010. Induction of Phenolic Glycosides by Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Leaves in Relation to Extrafloral Nectaries and Epidermal Leaf Mining. Journal of Chemical Ecology 36:369–377.
Young, B. , D. Wagner, P. Doak, and T. Clausen. 2010. Within-plant distribution of phenolic glycosides and extrafloral nectaries in trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides; Salicaceae). American Journal of Botany 97:601–610.
Young, D. D. , T. R. McCabe, R. Ambrose, G. W. Garner, G. J. Weiler, H. V. Reynolds, M. S. Udevitz, D. J. Reed, and B. Griffith. 2002. Arctic Refuge coastal plain terrestrial wildlife research summaries. 51–53 in P. E. Reynolds, Rhode, E. B. , and Douglas, D. C. . . U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources DivisionReston, VA.
Yu, X. X. , J. L. Barger, B. B. Boyer, M. D. Brand, G. Pan, and S. H. Adams. 2000. Impact of endotoxin on UCP homolog mRNA abundance, thermoregulation and mitochondrial proton leak kinetics. American Journal of Physiology 279:E433-E446.
Zhao, H. , D. J. Bucci, M. Weltzin, and K. L. Drew. 2004. Effects of aversive stimuli on learning and memory in Arctic ground squirrels. Behavioural Brain Research 151:219–224.
Zhao, H. , D. Bucci, M. Weltzin, and K. L. Drew. 2003. Effects of aversive stimuli on learning and memory in wild caught Arctic ground squirrels. Behavioral Brain Research.
Zhao, S. , C. Chao, A. V. Goropashnaya, N. C. Stewart, Y. Xu, O. Toien, B. M. Barnes, V. B. Fedorov, and J. Yan. 2010. Genomic analysis of expressed sequence tags in American black bear Ursus americanus. BMC Genomics 11.
Zhao, H. W. , A. P. Ross, S. L. Christian, J. N. Buchholz, and K. L. Drew. 2006. Decreased NR1 phosphorylation and decreased NMDAR functions in hibernating arctic ground squirrels. Journal of Neuroscience Research 84.
Zhao, H. , M. R. Castillo, S. L. Christian, A. Bult-Ito, and K. L. Drew. 2006. Distribution of NMDA Receptor Subunit NR1 in the Arctic Ground Squirrel Central Nervous System. Journal of Neurochemistry Anatomy 32:169–207.
Zharikov, Y. , D. B. Lank, F. Huettmann, R. W. Bradley, N. Parker, P. P. W. Yen, L. A. Mcfarlane-Tranquilla, and F. Cooke. 2006. Habitat selectivity and breeding success in a forest-nesting Alcid, the marbled murrelet in two landscapes with different degrees of forest fragmentation. Landscape Ecology 21:107–120.
Zhou, F. , X. Zhu, R. J. Castellani, R. Stimmelmayr, G. Perry, M. A. Smith, and K. L. Drew. 2001. Hibernation, a model of neuroprotection. American Journal of Pathology 158:2145–2151.
Zhou, F. , J. F. Braddock, Y. Hu, X. Zhu, R. J. Castellani, M. A. Smith, and K. L. Drew. 2002. Microbial origin of glutamate, hibernation and tissue trauma: an in vivo microdialysis study. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 119:121–128.
