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O’Donnell, J. A. , G. R. Aiken, E. S. Kane, and J. B. Jones. 2010. Source water controls on the character and origin of dissolved organic matter in streams of the Yukon River basin, Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research 115.
O’Connor, W. T. , K. L. Drew, and U. Ungerstedt. 1995. Differential cholinergic regulation of dopamine release in the dorsal and ventral neostriatum of the rat. Journal of Neuroscience 15:8353–8361.
O’Brien, K. M. , and I. A. Mueller. 2010. The Unique Mitochondrial Form and Function of Antarctic Channichthyid Icefishes. Integrative and Comparative Biology Advance Access.
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Oswood, M. W. , A. M. Milner, and J. G. Irons. 1991. Climate change and Alaskan rivers and streams. 192-210 in S. G. Fisher and Firth, P. Global climate change and freshwater ecosystems. . Springer-VerlagNew York.
Osborne, P. G. , Y. Hu, D. N. Covey, B. M. Barnes, Z. Katz, and K. L. Drew. 1999. Determination of striatal extracellular g-aminobutyric acid in non-hibernating and hibernating Arctic ground squirrels using quantitative microdialysis. Brain Research 839:1–6.
Osborne, P. G. , Y. Hu, D. N. Covey, B. M. Barnes, Z. Katz, and K. L. Drew. 1999. Determination of striatal extracellular g-aminobutyric acid in non-hibernating and hibernating Arctic ground squirrels using quantitative microdialysis. Brain Research 839:1-6.
Orr, A. L. , L. A. Lohse, K. L. Drew, and M. Hermes-Lima. 2009. Physiological oxidative stress after arousal from hibernation in Arctic ground squirrel. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 153:213–221.
Ormseth, O. A. , M. Nicolson, M. A. Pelleymounter, and B. B. Boyer. 1996. Leptin inhibits prehibernation hyperphagia and reduces body weight in arctic ground squirrels. American Journal of Physiology 271:R1775-R1779.
Orlikowska, E. H. , R. L. Deal, P. H. Hennon, and M. S. Wipfli. 2004. Role of red alder in riparian forest structure along headwater streams in southeastern Alaska. Northwest Science 78:111–123.
Orczewska, J. I. , G. Hartleben, and K. M. O’Brien. 2010. The molecular basis of aerobic metabolic remodeling differs between oxidative muscle and liver of threespine sticklebacks in response to cold acclimation. American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 299:R352-R364.
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Oppel, S. , and A. N. Powell. 2008. Assigning king eiders to wintering regions in the Bering Sea using stable isotopes of feathers and claws. Marine Ecology Progress Series 373:149–156.
