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Journal Article
O'Brien, K. M. , C. Skilbeck, B. D. Sidell, and S. Egginton. 2003. Muscle fine structure may maintain the function of oxidative fibres in haemoglobinless Antarctic fishes.. J Exp Biol 206:411-21.
Wilson, P. , M. C. Casteñada, J. T. Thomson, and W. S. Armbruster. 2004. A multivariate search for pollination syndromes in Penstemon 104:345.
Lewis, T. L. , M. S. Lindberg, J. A. Schmutz, and M. R. Bertram. 2014. Multi-trophic resilience of boreal lake ecosystems to forest fires. Ecology 95:1253–1263.
Lewis, T. L. , M. S. Lindberg, J. A. Schmutz, and M. R. Bertram. 2014. Multi-trophic resilience of boreal lake ecosystems to forest fires. Ecology 95:1253–1263.
Bulgarella, M. , J. L. Peters, C. Kopuchian, T. Valqui, R. E. Wilson, and K. G. McCracken. 2012. Multilocus coalescent analysis of haemoglobin differentiation between low- and high-altitude populations of crested ducks (Lophonetta specularioides). Molecular Ecology 21.
Drovetski, S. V. , A. S. Kitaysky, N. A. Mode, R. M. Zink, U. Iqbal, and C. Barger. 2012. mtDNA haplotypes differ in their probability of being eliminated by a mass die-off in an abundant seabird. Heredity 109:29–33.
Knight, J. E. , E. N. Narus, S. L. Martin, A. Jacobson, B. M. Barnes, and B. B. Boyer. 2000. mRNA stability and polysome loss in hibernating arctic ground squirrels (Spermophilus parryii). Molecular and Cellular Biology 20:6374-6379.
Winker, K. , K. G. McCracken, D. D. Gibson, C. L. Pruett, R. Meier, F. Huettmann, M. Wege, I. V. Kulikova, Y. N. Zhuravlev, M. L. Perdue, E. Spackman, D. L. Suarez, and D. E. Swayne. 2007. Movement of birds and avian influenza from Asia to Alaska. Emerging Infectious Diseases 13:547–552.
Ackerman, S. L. , L. P. Kozak, S. A. Przyborski, L. A. Rund, B. B. Boyer, and B. B. Knowles. 1997. The mouse rostral cerebellar malformation gene encodes an UNC-5-like protein. Nature 386:838–842.
White, K. S. , G. W. Pendleton, D. Crowley, H. J. Griese, K. J. Hundertmark, T. Mcdonough, L. Nichols, M. Robus, Ca. Smith, and J. W. Schoen. 2011. Mountain goat survival in coastal Alaska: Effects of age, sex, and climate. The Journal of Wildlife Management 75:1731–1744.
Barboza, P. S. , and P. E. Reynolds. 2004. Monitoring nutrition of a large grazer: muskoxen on the Arctic Wildlife Refuge. International Congress Series 1275:327–333.
Chen, W. , D. E. Russell, A. Gunn, B. Croft, W. R. Chen, R. Fernandes, H. Xhao, J. Li, Y. Zhang, K. Koehler, I. Olthof, R. H. Fraser, S. G. Leblanc, G. R. Henry, R. G. White, and G. L. Finstad. 2012. Monitoring habitat condition changes during winter and pre-calving migration for Bathurst Caribou in northern Canada.
Prugh, L. R. , C. E. Ritland, S. M. Arthur, and C. J. Krebs. 2005. Monitoring coyote population dynamics by genotyping feces. Molecular Ecology 14:1585-1596.
Kofinas, G. , D. E. Russell, and R. G. White. 2002. Monitoring Caribou Body Condition: Workshop Proceedings 31 396.
Prugh, L. R. , and C. E. Ritland. 2005. Molecular testing of observer identification of carnivore feces in the field. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33:189-194.
Xu, Y. , C. Shao, V. B. Fedorov, A. V. Goropashnaya, B. M. Barnes, and J. Yan. 2013. Molecular signatures of mammalian hibernation: comparisons with alternative phenotypes. BMC Genomics 14:567.
McCracken, K. G. , W. P. Johnson, and F. H. Sheldon. 2001. Molecular population genetics, phylogeography, and conservation biology of the mottled duck (Anas fulvigula). Conservation Genetics 2:87–102.
Kakiuchi, N. , M. Mikage, S. Ickert-Bond, M. Maier-Stolte, and H. Freitag. 2011. A molecular phylogenetic study of the Ephedra distachya / E. sinica complex in Eurasia. Willdenowia 41:203–215.
Keenan, K. , M. Hoffman, K. Dullen, and K. M. O'Brien. 2017. Molecular drivers of membrane proliferation in response to cold acclimation in threespine stickleback. Comp Biochem Physiol A 203.
Orczewska, J. I. , G. Hartleben, and K. M. O’Brien. 2010. The molecular basis of aerobic metabolic remodeling differs between oxidative muscle and liver of threespine sticklebacks in response to cold acclimation. American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 299:R352-R364.
Boyer, B. B. , and B. M. Barnes. 1999. Molecular and metabolic aspects of mammalian hibernation. BioScience 49:713-724.
Noormets, A. , A. R. Desai, B. D. Cook, E. S. Euskirchen, D. M. Ricciuto, K. J. Davis, P. V. Bolstad, H. P. Schmid, C. V. Vogel, E. V. Carey, H. B. Su, and J. Chen. 2008. Moisture sensitivity of ecosystem respiration: Comparison of 14 forest ecosystems in the Upper Great Lakes Region, USA. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148:216–230.
