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Luick, B. R. , J. A. Kitchens, R. G. White, and S. M. Murphy. 1996. Modeling energy and reproductive costs in caribou exposed to low flying military jet aircraft:209 - 212.
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Lindberg, M. , and J. Walker. 2007. Satellite telemetry in avian research: sample size considerations. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:1002–1009.
Lindberg, M. S. , J. H. Schmidt, and J. Walker. 2015. History of multimodel inference via model selection in wildlife science. The Journal of Wildlife Management 79:704–707.
Lindberg, M. S. , and R. A. Malecki. 1994. Hunting vulnerability of local and migrant Canada geese in Pennsylvania. Journal of Wildlife Management 58:740–747.
Lindberg, M. S. , J. S. Sedinger, and E. A. Rexstad. 1995. Estimating nest site fidelity of adult female black brant with multi-state modeling and geographic information systems. Journal of Applied Statistics 22:725–735.
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Lindberg, M. S. , J. S. Sedinger, and P. L. Flint. 1997. Effects of spring environment on nesting phenology and clutch size of black brant. Condor 99:381–388.
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