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Lewis, J. M. , T. J. Grove, and K. M. O'Brien. 2015. Energetic costs of protein synthesis do not differ between red- and white-blooded Antarctic notothenioid fishes.. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol 187:177-83.
Lewis, T. L. , P. J. Heglund, M. S. Lindberg, J. A. Schmutz, J. H. Schmidt, A. J. Dubour, J. Rover, and M. R. Bertram. 2016. Trophic dynamics of shrinking Subarctic lakes: naturally eutrophic waters impart resilience to rising nutrient and major ion concentrations. Oecologia 181:583–596.
Lewis, T. L. , M. S. Lindberg, J. A. Schmutz, and M. R. Bertram. 2014. Multi-trophic resilience of boreal lake ecosystems to forest fires. Ecology 95:1253–1263.
Lewis, T. L. , M. S. Lindberg, J. A. Schmutz, M. R. Bertram, and A. J. Dubour. 2015. Species richness and distributions of boreal waterbird broods in relation to nesting and brood-rearing habitats. The Journal of Wildlife Management.
Lewis, T. L. , J. A. Schmutz, C. L. Amundson, and M. S. Lindberg. 2016. Waterfowl populations are resilient to immediate and lagged impacts of wildfires in the boreal forest. Journal of Applied Ecology.
Lewis, T. L. , M. S. Lindberg, J. A. Schmutz, P. J. Heglund, J. Rover, J. C. Koch, and M. R. Bertram. 2014. Pronounced chemical response of Subarctic lakes to climate-driven losses in surface area. Global change biology.
Lewis, T. L. , M. S. Lindberg, J. A. Schmutz, and M. R. Bertram. 2014. Multi-trophic resilience of boreal lake ecosystems to forest fires. Ecology 95:1253–1263.
Lewis, T. M. , S. Pyare, and K. J. Hundertmark. 2015. Contemporary genetic structure of brown bears (Ursus arctos) in a recently deglaciated landscape. Journal of Biogeography 42:1701-1713.
Lewis, T. L. , M. S. Lindberg, J. A. Schmutz, P. J. Heglund, J. Rover, J. C. Koch, and M. R. Bertram. 2015. Pronounced chemical response of Subarctic lakes to climate-driven losses in surface area. Global change biology 21:1140–1152.
LeSage, C. M. , R. W. Merritt, and M. S. Wipfli. 2005. Headwater riparian invertebrate communitites associated with red alder and conifer wood and leaf litter in southeastern Alaska. Northwest Science 79:218–232.
Lemas, D. , H. W. Wiener, D. M. O’Brien, S. Hopkins, K. L. Stanhope, P. J. Havel, D. B. Allison, J. R. Fernandez, H. K. Tiwari, and B. B. Boyer. 2012. Genetic polymorphisms in carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A gene are associated with variation in body composition and fasting lipid traits in Yup’ik Eskimos. Journal of Lipid Research 53:175–184.
Lee, T. N. , L. C. Buck, B. M. Barnes, and D. M. O’Brien. 2013. A test of alternative models for increased tissue nitrogen isotope ratios during fasting in hibernating arctic ground squirrels. Journal of Experimental Biology 215:3354–3361.
Lee, T. N. , R. W. Fridinger, B. M. Barnes, L. C. Buck, and D. M. O'Brien. 2011. Estimating lean mass over a wide range of body composition: a calibration of deuterium dilution in the arctic ground squirrel. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 25:3491-3496.
Lee, T. N. , B. M. Barnes, and C. L. Buck. 2009. Body temperature patterns during hibernation in a free-living Alaska marmot (Marmota broweri). Ethology Ecology & Evolution 21:403-413.
Lechner, I. , P. Barboza, W. Collins, D. Gunther, B. Hattendorf, J. Hummel, and M. Clauss. 2009. No ’bypass’ in adult ruminants: Passage of fluid ingested vs. fluid inserted into the rumen in fistulated muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus), reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) and moose (Alces alces). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 154:151–156.
Latty, C. J. , T. E. Hollmén, M. R. Petersen, A. N. Powell, and R. D. Andrews. 2010. Abdominally implanted transmitters with percutaneous atennas affect the dive performance of common eiders. The Condor 112:314–322.
LaPerriere, J. D. , T. D. Simpson, and J. R. Jones. 2003. Comparative Linmology of Some Lakes in Interior Alaska. Lake and Reservoir Management 19:122–132.
Lang, D. W. , G. H. Reeves, D. D. Hall, and M. S. Wipfli. 2006. The influence of fall-spawning coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) on growth and production of juvenile coho salmon rearing in beaver ponds on the Copper River, Delta, Alaska. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 63:917–930.
Lake, B. C. , M. Lindberg, J. A. Schmutz, R. M. Anthony, and F. J. Broerman. 2006. Using Videography to Quantify Landscape-level Availability of Habitat for Grazers: An Example with Emperor Geese in Western Alaska. Arctic 59:252–260.
Lake, B. C. , J. A. Schmutz, M. S. Lindberg, C. R. Ely, W. D. Eldridge, and F. J. Borerman. 2008. Body mass of prefledging Emperor Geese Chen canagica : large-scale effects of interspecific densities and food availability. Ibis 150:527–540.
