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Found 1049 results
Walker, J. , and M. S. Lindberg. 2005. Survival of scaup ducklings in the boreal forest of Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management.
Gottschalk, T. K. , F. Huettmann, and M. Ehlers. 2005. Thirty years of analysing and modelling avian habitat relationships using satellite imagery data: A review. International Journal of Remote Sensing 26:2631–2656.
McNeil, P. , D. Russell, B. Griffith, A. Gunn, and G. Kofinas. 2005. Where the wild things are: seasonal variation in caribou distribution in relation to climate change. Rangifer Special Issue No. 19:51–63.
Huettmann, F. , A. W. Diamond, B. Dalzell, and K. Macintosh. 2005. Winter Distribution, Ecology and Movements of Razorbills Alca Torda and other Auks in the Outer Bay of Fundy, Atlantic Canada. Marine Ornithology 33:161–171.
Duman, J. G. , V. Bennett, T. Sformo, R. Hochstrasser, and B. M. Barnes. 2004. Antifreeze proteins in Alaskan insects and spiders. Journal of Insect Physiology 50:259-266.
Ma, Y. L. , M. E. Rice, M. L. Chao, P. M. Rivera, H. W. Zhao, A. P. Ross, Z. Zhu, M. A. Smith, and K. L. Drew. 2004. Ascorbate distribution during hibernational is independent of ascorbate redox state. Free Radical Biology & Medicine 37:551-520.
Fulton, D. , and K. Hundertmark. 2004. Assessing the Effects of a Selective Harvest System on Moose Hunters' Behaviors,Beliefs, and Satisfaction. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 9:1–16.
Kruse, J. A. , R. G. White, H. E. Epstein, B. Archie, M. D. Berman, S. R. Braund, F. S. Chapin III, C. J. Sr., C. J. Daniel, J. Eamer, N. Flanders, B. Griffith, S. Haley, L. Huskey, S. James, J. Bernice, D. Klein, G. P. Kofinas, S. M. Martin, S. M. Murphy, W. Nebesky, C. Nicholson, K. Peter, D. E. Russell, J. Tetlichi, A. Tussing, M. D. Walker, and O. R. Young. 2004. Assessing the sustainability of arctic communities: an interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers and local knowledge holders 7:1 - 14.
Kruse, J. A. , R. G. White, H. E. Epstein, B. Archie, M. D. Berman, S. R. Braund, F. S. Chapin III, C. J. Sr., C. J. Daniel, J. Eamer, N. Flanders, B. Griffith, S. Haley, L. Huskey, S. James, J. Bernice, D. Klein, G. P. Kofinas, S. M. Martin, S. M. Murphy, W. Nebesky, C. Nicholson, K. Peter, D. E. Russell, J. Tetlichi, A. Tussing, M. D. Walker, and O. R. Young. 2004. Assessing the sustainability of arctic communities: an interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers and local knowledge holders. Ecosystems 7:1–14.
Kulikova, I. V. , Y. N. Zhuravlev, and K. G. McCracken. 2004. Asymmetrick hybridization and sex-biased gene flow between Eastern spot-billed ducks and mallards in the Russian Far East. The Auk 121:930–949.
Wilson, R. E. , S. D. Goldfeder, and K. G. McCracken. 2004. Bill sexual dichromatism of Yellow-billed Pintail (Anas georgica) and Speckled Teal (A. flavirostris). Ornitologia Neotropical 15:543–545.
Pélabon, C. , T. F. Hansen, M. L. Carlson, N. G. Yoccoz, and W. S. Armbruster. 2004. Consequences of inter-population crosses on developmental stability and canalization of floral traits in Dalechampia scandens 17:19 - 32.
Nocera, A. , A. Tagliamacco, R. De Palma, F. Del Galdo, A. Ferrante, I. Fontana, S. Barocci, F. Ginevri, D. Rolla, J. Louis Ravetti, and U. Valente. 2004. Cytokine mRNA expression in chronically rejected human renal allografts.. Clin Transplant 18:564-70.
Wagner, D. , J. B. Jones, and D. M. Gordon. 2004. Development of harvester ant colonies alters soil chemistry. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36:797–804.
Armbruster, W. S. , and D. G. Rogers. 2004. Does pollen competition reduce the cost of inbreeding? 91:1939 - 1943.
Walker, J. , S. S. Stephens, M. S. Lindberg, and J. J. Rotella. 2004. Duck nesting success in North Dakota road rights-of-way: are all small grassland patches ecological traps?. The Prairie Naturalist.
Mack, M. C. , E. A. G. Schuur, M. S. Bret-Harte, G. R. Shaver, and F. S. Chapin III. 2004. Ecosystem carbon storage in arctic tundra reduced by long-term nutrient fertilization 431:440 - 443.
Zhao, H. , D. J. Bucci, M. Weltzin, and K. L. Drew. 2004. Effects of aversive stimuli on learning and memory in Arctic ground squirrels. Behavioural Brain Research 151:219–224.
Stanley, E. H. , S. G. Fisher, and J. B. Jones. 2004. Effects of water loss on primary producers: a landscape-model. Aquatic Sciences 66:130–138.
Hueffer, K. , U. Truyen, and C. R. Parrish. 2004. [Evolution and host variation of the canine parvovirus: molecular basis for the development of a new virus].. Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr 117:130-5.
Poyton, R. O. , R. Dirmeier, K. O'Brien, P. David, and A. Dodd. 2004. Experimental Strategies for Analyzing Oxygen Sensing in Yeast. 644 - 662 in Oxygen Sensing. . Academic Press.
