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Found 1049 results
Armbruster, W. S. , C. Pélabon, T. F. Hansen, and C. P. H. Mulder. 2004. Floral Integration, Modularity, and Accuracy. Distinguishing Complex Adaptations from Genetic Constraints. 23 - 49 in M. Pigliuci and Preston, K. A. Phenotypic Integration – The Evolutionary Biology of Complex Phenotypes. . Oxford University PressOxford, UK.
Hundertmark, K. J. , and T. R Bowyer. 2004. Genetics, evolution, and phylogeography of moose. Alces 40:103–122.
Drew, K. L. , M. B. Harris, J. C. LaManna, and M. S. Smith. 2004. Hypoxia tolerance in mammalian heterotherms. Journal of Experimental Biology 207:3155–3162.
Williams, T. D. , A. S. Kitaysky, J. C. Wingfield, and N. S. Clayton. 2004. Individual variation in plasma estradiol-17B and androgen levels during egg formation in the Euopean starling Sturnis vulgaris: implications for regulation of yolk steriods. General and Comparative Endocrinology:136346-352.
Blundell, G. M. , M. Ben-David, P. Groves, R. T. Bowyer, and E. Geffen. 2004. Kinship and sociality in coastal river otters: Are they related?. Behavioral Ecology 15:705–714.
Reich, P. B. , C. Uhl, M. B. Walters, L. Prugh, and D. S. Ellsworth. 2004. Leaf demography and phenology in Amazonian rain forest: a census of 40,000 leaves of 23 tree species. Ecological Monographs 74:3-23.
Hermes-Lima, R. , G. R. Ramos-Vasconcelos, L. A. Cardoso, A. L. Orr, P. M. Rivera, and K. L. Drew. 2004. Life in the Cold: Evolution, Mechanisms, Adaptation, and Application. Twelfth International Hibernation Symposium. . Biological Papers of the University of AlasaCanada.
Harris, M. B. , L. E. Olson, and W. K. Milsom. 2004. Life in the Cold: Evolution, Mechanisms, Adaptation, and Application. Twelfth International Hibernation Symposium. 41–50 in B. M. Barnes and Carey, H. .
Drew, K. L. , F. Zhou, X. Zhu, R. J. Castellani, and M. A. Smith. 2004. Life in the Cold: Evolution, Mechanisms, Adaptation, and Application. Twelfth International Hibernation Symposium. 565–574 in B. M. Barnes and Carey, H. . . Biological Papers of the University of Alaska.
Dirmeier, R. , K. O'Brien, M. Engle, A. Dodd, E. Spears, and R. O. Poyton. 2004. Measurement of Oxidative Stress in Cells Exposed to Hypoxia and Other Changes in Oxygen Concentration. 589 - 603 in Oxygen Sensing. . Academic Press.
Kenagy, G. J. , R. A. Vásquez, B. M. Barnes, and F. Bozinovic. 2004. Microstructure of summer activity bouts of degus in a thermally heterogeneous habitat. Journal of Mammalogy 85:260-267.
O'Brien, K. M. , R. Dirmeier, M. Engle, and R. O. Poyton. 2004. Mitochondrial protein oxidation in yeast mutants lacking manganese-(MnSOD) or copper- and zinc-containing superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD). J Biol Chem 279:51817-27.
Kruse, J. A. , R. G. White, H. E. Epstein, B. Archie, M. D. Berman, S. R. Braund, F. S. Chapin III, C. J. Sr., C. J. Daniel, J. Eamer, N. Flanders, B. Griffith, S. Haley, L. Huskey, S. James, J. Bernice, D. Klein, G. P. Kofinas, S. M. Martin, S. M. Murphy, W. Nebesky, C. Nicholson, D. E. Russell, J. Tetlichi, A. Tussing, M. D. Walker, and O. R. Young. 2004. Modeling sustainability of Arctic Communities: An interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers and local knowledge holders 7:815 - 828.
Kruse, J. A. , R. G. White, H. E. Epstein, B. Archie, M. D. Berman, S. R. Braund, F. S. Chapin III, C. J. Sr., C. J. Daniel, J. Eamer, N. Flanders, B. Griffith, S. Haley, L. Huskey, S. James, J. Bernice, D. Klein, G. P. Kofinas, S. M. Martin, S. M. Murphy, W. Nebesky, C. Nicholson, D. E. Russell, J. Tetlichi, A. Tussing, M. D. Walker, and O. R. Young. 2004. Modeling sustainability of Arctic Communities: An interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers and local knowledge holders. Ecosystems 7:815–828.
Barboza, P. S. , and P. E. Reynolds. 2004. Monitoring nutrition of a large grazer: muskoxen on the Arctic Wildlife Refuge. International Congress Series 1275:327–333.
Wilson, P. , M. C. Casteñada, J. T. Thomson, and W. S. Armbruster. 2004. A multivariate search for pollination syndromes in Penstemon 104:345.
Graham, C. H. , S. Ferrier, F. Huettmann, C. Moritz, and A. T. Peterson. 2004. New developments in museum-based informatics and applications in biodiversity analysis. TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution 19:497–503.
Bret-Harte, M. S. , E. A. García, V. M. Sacré, J. R. Whorley, J. L. Wagner, S. C. Lippert, and F. S. Chapin III. 2004. Plant and soil responses to neighbor removal and fertilization in Alaskan tussock tundra 92:635 - 647.
Fenster, C. B. , W. S. Armbruster, P. Wilson, M. R. Dudash, and J. D. Thomson. 2004. Pollination syndromes and floral specialization 35:375 - 403.
