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Hoekman, S. T. , B. J. Moynahan, M. S. Lindberg, S. Lewis, and W. F. Johnson. 2011. Line transect sampling for murrelets: Accounting for incomplete detection and identification. Marine Ornithology 39:35–44.
Hoekman, S. T. , T. S. Gabor, M. J. Petrie, and M. Lindberg. 2006. Population dynamics of mallards breeding in eastern Canada. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:121–128.
Hoekman, S. T. , T. S. Gabor, M. J. Petrie, and M. Lindberg. 2006. Demographics of breeding female mallards in southern Ontario, Canada. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:111–120.
Hodges, M. R. , G. J. Tattersall, M. B. Harris, S. E. McEvoy, D. N. Richerson, E. S. Deneris, R. L. Johnson, Z. F. Chen, and G. B. Richerson. 2008. Defects in Breathing and Thermoregulation in Mice with Near-Complete Absence of Central Serotonin Neurons. Journal of Neuroscience 28:2495–2505.
Hinzman, L. , N. D. Bettez, W. R. Bolton, F. S. Chapin III, R. Dyurgerov, C. L. Fastie, B. Griffith, R. D. Hollister, A. Hope, H. P. Huntington, A. M. Jensen, G. J. Jia, T. Jorgenson, D. L. Kane, D. R. Klein, G. Kofinas, A. H. Lynch, A. H. Lloyd, A. D. McGuire, F. E. Nelson, M. Nolan, W. C. Oechel, T. E. Osterkamp, C. H. Racine, V. E. Romanovsky, R. S. Stone, D. A. Stow, M. Sturm, C. E. Tweedie, G. L. Vourlitis, Walker, D. A. Walker, P. J. Webber, J. Welker, K. S. Winker, and K. Yoshimkawa. 2005. Evidence and implications of recent climate change in northern Alaska and other Arctic regions. Climatic Change 72:251–298.
Hinzman, L. D. , W. R. Bolton, K. C. Petrone, J. B. Jones, and P. C. Dams. 2006. Alaska’s Changing Boreal Forest. pp. 269-284 in M. W. Oswood, Van Cleve, K. , Viereck, L. A. , Verbyla, D. L. , and Chapin III, F. S. . . Oxford University PressNew York, NY.
Hill, N. J. , E. J. Ma, B. W. Meixell, M. Lindberg, W. M. Boyce, and J. A. Runstadler. 2016. Evidence of seasonality in a host-pathogen system: Influenza across the annual cycle of wild birds. in INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY. . OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC JOURNALS DEPT, 2001 EVANS RD, CARY, NC 27513 USA.
Hill, N. J. , E. J. Ma, B. W. Meixell, M. S. Lindberg, W. M. Boyce, and J. A. Runstadler. 2016. Transmission of influenza reflects seasonality of wild birds across the annual cycle. Ecology Letters 19:915–925.
Hicks, B. J. , M. S. Wipfli, D. W. Lang, and M. E. Lang. 2005. Marine-derived nitrogen and carbon in freshwater-riparian food webs of the Copper River Delta, southcentral Alaska. Oecologia 144:558–569.
Hicks, B. J. , M. S. Wipfli, D. W. Lang, and M. E. Lang. 2005. Marine-derived nitrogen an carbon in freshwater-riparian food webs of the Copper River Delta, southcentral Alaska. Oecologia 144:558–569.
Hernandez, L. D. , K. Hueffer, M. R. Wenk, and J. E. Galán. 2004. Salmonella modulates vesicular traffic by altering phosphoinositide metabolism.. Science 304:1805-7.
Hermes-Lima, R. , G. R. Ramos-Vasconcelos, L. A. Cardoso, A. L. Orr, P. M. Rivera, and K. L. Drew. 2004. Life in the Cold: Evolution, Mechanisms, Adaptation, and Application. Twelfth International Hibernation Symposium. . Biological Papers of the University of AlasaCanada.
Heo, M. , R. L. Leibel, K. R. Fontaine, B. B. Boyer, W. K. Chung, M. Koulu, M. K. Karvonen, U. Pesonen, A. Rissanen, M. Laakso, M. I. J. Uusitupa, Y. Chagnon, C. Bouchard, P. A. Donohoue, T. L. Burns, A. R. Shuldiner, K. Silver, R. E. Andersen, O. Pedersen, S. Echwald, T. I. A. Sørensen, P. Behn, M. A. Permutt, K. B. Jacobs, R. C. Elston, D. J. Hoffman, E. Gropp, and D. B. Allison. 2002. A meta-analytic investigation of linkage and association of common leptin receptor (LEPR) polymorphisms with body mass index and waist circumference. International Journal of Obesity 26:640–646.
Heo, M. , R. L. Leibel, B. B. Boyer, W. K. Chung, M. Koulu, M. K. Karvonen, U. Pesonen, A. Rissanen, M. Laakso, M. I. J. Uusitupa, Y. Chagnon, C. Bouchard, P. A. Donohoue, T. L. Burns, A. R. Shuldiner, K. Silver, R. E. Andersen, O. Pedersen, S. Echwald, T. I. A. Sørensen, P. Behn, M. A. Permutt, K. B. Jacobs, R. C. Elston, D. J. Hoffman, and D. B. Allison. 2001. Pooling analysis of genetic data: the association of leptin receptor (LEPR) polymorphisms with variables related to human adiposity. Genetics 159:1163–1178.
Helm, B. , R. Ben-Shlomo, M. Sheriff, R. A. Hut, R. Foster, B. M. Barnes, and D. Dominoni. 2013. Annual rhythms that underlie phenology: biological time-keeping meets environmental change. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280.
Heintz, R. A. , M. S. Wipfli, and J. P. Hudson. 2010. Identification of marine-derived lipids in juvenile coho salmon and aquatic insects through fatty acid analysis.. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:840–854.
Heim, K. C. , M. S. Wipfli, M. S. Whitman, C. D. Arp, J. Adams, and J. A. Falke. 2015. Seasonal cues of Arctic grayling movement in a small Arctic stream: the importance of surface water connectivity. Environmental Biology of Fishes 99:49-65.
Hegel, T. , S. A. Cushman, J. Evans, and F. Huettmann. 2010. . 273–312 in .
Hegel, T. M. , A. Mysterud, F. Huettmann, and M. Christian Stenseth. 2010. Interacting effect of wolves and climate on recruitment in a northern mountain caribou population. Oikos ONLINE:001–009.
Hegel, T. M. , A. Mysterud, T. Ergon, L. Egil Loe, F. Huettmann, and N. Chr Stenseth. 2010. Seasonal effects of Pacific-based climate on recruitment in a predator-limited large herbivore. Journal of Animal Ecology 79:471–482.
Hegel, T. M. , V. David, F. Huettmann, and P. S. Barboza. 2012. Spatial synchrony of recruitment in mountain-dwelling woodland caribou. Population Ecology 54:19–30.
Haynes, T. B. , A. E. Rosenberger, M. S. Lindberg, M. Whitman, J. A. Schmutz, and J. Michael Jech. 2013. Method- and species-specific detection probabilities of fish occupancy in Arctic lakes: implications for design and management. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70:1055 - 1062.
Haynes, T. B. , A. E. Rosenberger, M. S. Lindberg, M. Whitman, and J. A. Schmutz. 2014. Patterns of lake occupancy by fish indicate different adaptations to life in a harsh Arctic environment. Freshwater Biology.
