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Ito, M. , A. Takahashi, N. Kokubun, A. S. Kitaysky, and Y. Watanuki. 2010. Foraging behavior of incubating and chick-rearing thick-billed murres Uria lomvia. Aquatic Biology 8:279–287.
Hupp, J. W. , R. G. White, J. S. Sedinger, and D. G. Robertson. 1996. Forage digestibility and intake by lesser snow geese: effects of dominance and resource heterogeneity 108:232 - 240.
Holleman, D. F. , R. G. White, K. Frisby, M. Jourdan, P. Henrichsen, and P. G. Tallas. 1984. Food passage rates in captive muskoxen measured with non-absorbed radiolabeled markers Special Report No. 4:188 - 192.
Frisby, K. , R. G. White, and B. Sammons. 1984. Food conversion efficiency and growth rates of hand-reared muskox calves Special Report No. 4:196 - 202.
Kitaysky, A. S. , J. F. Piatt, S. A. Hatch, E. V. Kitaiskaia, M. Z. Benowitz-Fredericks, M. T. Shultz, and J. C. Wingfield. 2010. Food availability and population processes: severity of nutritional stress during reproduction predicts survival of long-lived seabirds. Functional Ecology 24:625–637.
Gasaway, W. C. , D. F. Holleman, and R. G. White. 1975. Flow of digesta in the intestine and cecum of the rock ptarmigan 77:467 - 474.
Armbruster, W. S. , C. Pélabon, T. F. Hansen, and C. P. H. Mulder. 2004. Floral Integration, Modularity, and Accuracy. Distinguishing Complex Adaptations from Genetic Constraints. 23 - 49 in M. Pigliuci and Preston, K. A. Phenotypic Integration – The Evolutionary Biology of Complex Phenotypes. . Oxford University PressOxford, UK.
Armbruster, W. S. , M. E. Edwards, and E. M. Debevec. 1994. Floral character displacement generates assemblage structure of Western Australian triggerplants (Stylidium) 75:315 - 329.
Mann, D. H. , P. Groves, R. E. Reanier, and M. L. Kunz. 2010. Floodplains, permafrost, cottonwood trees, and peat: What happened the last time climate warmed suddenly in arctic Alaska?. Quaternary Researchary Science Reviews 29:3812–3830.
Harding, A. M. A. , A. S. Kitaysky, M. E. Hall, J. Welcker, N. J. Karnovsky, S. L. Talbot, K. C. Hamer, and D. Gremillet. 2009. Flexibility in the parental effort of an Arctic-breeding seabird. Functional Ecology 23:348–358.
Doak, P. , P. Kareiva, and J. Kingsolver. 2006. Fitness consequences of choosy oviposition for a time-limited butterfly. Ecology 87:395–408.
Gido, K. B. , J. A. Falke, R. M. Oakes, and K. Hase. 2006. Fish-habitat relationships across spatial scales in prairie streams.. 265-286 in R. Hughes, Seelbach, P. , and Wang, L. Influences of landscape on stream habitat and biological communities. . American Fisheries SocietyBethesda, MD.
Fastie, C. L. , A. H. Llyod, and P. Doak. 2003. Fire history and postfire forest development in an upland watershed of interior Alaska. Journal of Geophsyical Research 108:8150.
Colson, K. E. , T. J. Brinkman, D. K. Person, and K. J. Hundertmark. 2013. Fine-scale social and spatial genetic structure in Sitka black-tailed deer. Conservation Genetics 14:439 - 449.
Sedinger, J. S. , N. D. Chelgren, D. H. Ward, and M. S. Lindberg. 2008. Fidelity and breeding probability related to population density and individual quality in black brent geese Branta bernicla nigricans. Journal of Animal Ecology 77:702–712.
Rowell, J. E. , C. J. Lupton, M. A. Robertson, F. A. Pfeiffer, J. A. Nagy, and R. G. White. 2001. Fiber characteristics of qiviut and guard hair from wild muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) 79:1670 - 1674.
Schwartz, C. C. , S. L. Monfort, P. H. Dennis, and K. J. Hundertmark. 1995. Fecal progestagen concentration as an indicator of the estrous cycle and pregnancy in moose. Journal of Wildlife Management 59:580–583.
White, R. G. . 1977. Factors regulating the food intake of caribou and reindeer on tundra ranges. I-227-I-233 in Circumpolar Conference on Northern Ecology. . National Research Council of Canada.
Bentzen, R. L. , A. N. Powell, and R. S. Suydam. 2008. Factors Influencing Nesting Success of King Eider’s on Northern Alaska’s Coastal Plain. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:1781–1789.
Moynahan, B. J. , M. Lindberg, and J. W. Thomas. 2006. Factors contributing to process variance in annual survival of female greater sage grouse in north-central Montana. Ecological Applications 16.
