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Found 1049 results
Young, D. D. , T. R. McCabe, R. Ambrose, G. W. Garner, G. J. Weiler, H. V. Reynolds, M. S. Udevitz, D. J. Reed, and B. Griffith. 2002. Arctic Refuge coastal plain terrestrial wildlife research summaries. 51–53 in P. E. Reynolds, Rhode, E. B. , and Douglas, D. C. . . U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources DivisionReston, VA.
Griffith, B. , D. C. Douglas, N. E. Walsh, D. D. Young, T. R. McCabe, D. E. Russell, R. G. White, R. D. Cameron, and K. R. Whitten. 2002. Arctic Refuge coastal plain terrestrial wildlife research summaries. 8–37 in P. E. Reynolds, Rhode, E. B. , and Douglas, D. C. . . U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources DivisionReston, VA.
Russell, D. E. , G. Kofinas, and B. Griffith. 2002. Barren-Ground Caribou Calving Ground Workshop Report of Proceedings. Technical Report Series Canadian Wildlife Service Environmental Conservation Branch.
Hut, R. A. , B. M. Barnes, and S. Daan. 2002. Body temperature patterns before, during, and after semi-natural hibernation in the European ground squirrel. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 172:47-58.
Rice, M. E. , R. E. Forman, B. T. Chen, M. V. Avshalumov, and K. L. Drew. 2002. Brain antioxidant regulation in mammals and anoxia-tolerant reptiles: balanced for neuroprotection and neuromodulation. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology 133:507–513.
Blundell, G. M. , M. Ben-David, P. Groves, R. T. Bowyer, and E. Geffen. 2002. Characteristics of sex-biased dispersal and gene flow in coastal river otters: implications for natural recolonization of extirpated populations. Molecular Ecology 11:289–303.
Armbruster, W. S. , C. P. H. Mulder, B. G. Baldwin, S. Kalisz, B. Wessa, and H. Nute. 2002. Comparative analysis of late floral development and mating-system evolution in tribe Collinsieae (Scrophularia s.l.) 89:37 - 49.
Perry, G. , M. Taddeo, A. Nunomura, X. Zhu, T. Zenteno-Savin, K. L. Drew, S. Shimohama, J. Avila, R. J. Castellani, and M. A. Smith. 2002. Comparative biology and pathology of oxidative stress in Alzheimer and other neurodegenerative diseases: beyond damage and reponse. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology 133:507–513.
Wagner, D. , and A. Kay. 2002. Do extrafloral nectaries distract ants from visiting flowers? An experimental test of an overlooked hypothesis. Evolutionary Ecology Research,:293–305.
Alisauskas, R. T. , and M. A. Lindberg. 2002. Effects of neckbands on survival and fidelity of white-fronted and Canada geese captured as non-breeding adults. Journal of Applied Statistics 29:521–537.
Holand, O. , P. Gjostein, M. Aikio, M. Nieminen, and R. G. White. 2002. Encycl. Dairy Sci.
Lindberg, M. A. , and E. A. Rexstad. 2002. Encyclopedia of Environmetrics. 251–262 in A. H. El-Shaarawi and Piegorsch, W. W. . . John Wiley & Sons Ltd.The Atrium Southern Gate, Chichester West Sussex PO 19 8SQ, England Telephone: 44-1243-779777 Fax: 44-1243-775878.
Hundertmark, K. J. , and C. C. Schwartz. 2002. Evaluation of bioelectrical impedance analysis as an estimator of moose body composition. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30:915–921.
Dirmeier, R. , K. M. O'Brien, M. Engle, A. Dodd, E. Spears, and R. O. Poyton. 2002. Exposure of yeast cells to anoxia induces transient oxidative stress. Implications for the induction of hypoxic genes.. J Biol Chem 277:34773-84.
Hundertmark, K. J. , G. F. Shields, R. T. Bowyer, and C. C. Schwartz. 2002. Genetic relationships deduced from cytochrome-b sequences among moose. Alces 38:113–122.
R Bowyer, T. , K. M. Stewart, B. M. Pierce, K. J. Hundertmark, and W. C. Gasaway. 2002. Geographical variation in antler morphology of Alaskan moose: putative effects of habitat and genetic. Alces 38:155–165.
Jones, J. B. . 2002. Groundwater controls on nutrient cycling in a Mojave desert stream. Freshwater Biology 47:971.
Barboza, P. , and D. Jorde. 2002. Intermittent feeding during winter and spring affects body composition and reproduction of a migratory duck. Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology 172:419–434.
Clapp-Lilly, K. L. , M. A. Smith, G. Pretty, P. L. Harris, X. Zhu, K. L. Drew, and L. K. Duffy. 2002. Melatonin exhibits antioxidant properties in a mouse brain slice model of excitotoxicity. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 61:32–40.
Heo, M. , R. L. Leibel, K. R. Fontaine, B. B. Boyer, W. K. Chung, M. Koulu, M. K. Karvonen, U. Pesonen, A. Rissanen, M. Laakso, M. I. J. Uusitupa, Y. Chagnon, C. Bouchard, P. A. Donohoue, T. L. Burns, A. R. Shuldiner, K. Silver, R. E. Andersen, O. Pedersen, S. Echwald, T. I. A. Sørensen, P. Behn, M. A. Permutt, K. B. Jacobs, R. C. Elston, D. J. Hoffman, E. Gropp, and D. B. Allison. 2002. A meta-analytic investigation of linkage and association of common leptin receptor (LEPR) polymorphisms with body mass index and waist circumference. International Journal of Obesity 26:640–646.
