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Gilbert, S. L. , T. Haynes, M. S. Lindberg, D. Albert, M. Kissling, and D. K. Person. 2016. Future population trends and drivers of change for Alexander Archipelago wolves on and near Prince of Wales Island, Alaska.
Gilbert, S. L. , K. J. Hundertmark, M. S. Lindberg, D. K. Person, and M. S. Boyce. 2020. The Importance of Environmental Variability and Transient Population Dynamics for a Northern Ungulate. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8.
Gilbert, S. L. , K. J. Hundertmark, D. K. Person, M. S. Lindberg, and M. S. Boyce. 2017. Behavioral plasticity in a variable environment: snow depth and habitat interactions drive deer movement in winter. Journal of Mammalogy 98:246-259.
Gido, K. B. , J. A. Falke, R. M. Oakes, and K. Hase. 2006. Fish-habitat relationships across spatial scales in prairie streams.. 265-286 in R. Hughes, Seelbach, P. , and Wang, L. Influences of landscape on stream habitat and biological communities. . American Fisheries SocietyBethesda, MD.
Gido, K. B. , J. F. Schaefer, and J. A. Falke. 2009. Convergence of fish communities from the littoral zone of reservoirs. Freshwater Biology 54:1163-1177.
Gerhart, K. L. , R. G. White, R. D. Cameron, and D. E. Russell. 1996. Body composition and nutrient reserves of arctic caribou 74:136 - 146.
Gerhart, K. L. , D. E. Russell, D. Wetering, R. G. White, and R. D. Cameron. 1997. Pregnancy of adult caribou (Rangifer tarandus): evidence for lactational infertility 242:17 - 30.
Gerhart, K. L. , R. G. White, R. D. Cameron, and D. Wetering. 1997. Pregnancy rate as an indicator of nutritional status in Rangifer: implications of lactational infertility 17:21 - 24.
Gerhart, K. L. , R. G. White, R. D. Cameron, and D. E. Russell. 1996. Growth and body composition of arctic caribou:393 - 394.
Gerhart, K. L. , R. G. White, R. D. Cameron, and D. E. Russell. 1996. Estimating fat content of caribou from body condition scores 60:713 - 718.
Gerasimov, Y. , and F. Huettmann. 2006. Shorebirds of the Sea of Okhotsk: Status and Overview. Stilt 50:15–22.
Gende, S. M. , R. T. Edwards, M. F. Willson, and M. S. Wipfli. 2002. Pacific salmon in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. BioScience 52:917–928.
Gasaway, W. C. , R. G. White, and D. F. Holleman. 1976. Digestion of dry matter and absorption of water in the intestine and cecum of rock ptarmigan 78:77 - 84.
Gasaway, W. C. , D. F. Holleman, and R. G. White. 1975. Flow of digesta in the intestine and cecum of the rock ptarmigan 77:467 - 474.
Gaare, E. , A. Sørensen, and R. G. White. 1977. Are rumen samples representative of the diet? 29:390 - 395.
Fulton, D. , and K. Hundertmark. 2004. Assessing the Effects of a Selective Harvest System on Moose Hunters' Behaviors,Beliefs, and Satisfaction. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 9:1–16.
Frisby, K. , R. G. White, and B. Sammons. 1984. Food conversion efficiency and growth rates of hand-reared muskox calves Special Report No. 4:196 - 202.
Frank, C. L. , S. Karpovich, and B. M. Barnes. 2008. Dietary fatty acid composition and the hibernation patterns in free-ranging arctic ground squirrels. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 81:486-495.
Fraley, K. M. , J. A. Falke, R. Yanusz, and S. Ivey. 2016. Seasonal Movements and Habitat Use of Potamodromous Rainbow Trout Across a Complex Alaska Riverscape. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 145:1077-1092.
Follmann, E. , D. Ritter, R. Swor, M. Dunbar, and K. Hueffer. 2011. Preliminary Evaluation of Raboral V-RGH Oral Rabies Vaccine in Arctic Foxes (Vulpes lagopus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 47:1032–1035.
Flitcroft, R. L. , J. A. Falke, G. H. Reeves, P. F. Hessburg, K. M. McNyset, and L. E. Benda. 2016. Wildfire may increase habitat quality for spring Chinook salmon in the Wenatchee River subbasin, WA, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 359:126-140.
Flint, P. L. , M. S. Lindberg, M. C. MacCluskie, and J. S. Sedinger. 1994. The adaptive significance of hatching synchrony of waterfowl eggs. Wildfowl 45:248–254.
Ferrante, A. , M. W. Anderson, C. S. Klug, and J. Gorski. 2008. HLA-DM mediates epitope selection by a "compare-exchange" mechanism when a potential peptide pool is available.. PLoS One 3:e3722.
