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Euskirchen, E. S. , A. D. McGuire, and F. S. Chapin III. 2007. Energy feedbacks of northern high-latitude ecosystems to the climate system due to reduced snow cover during 20th century warming. Global Change Biology 13:1–2425.
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Karpovich, S. A. , O. Toien, L. C. Buck, and B. M. Barnes. 2009. Energetics of arousal episodes in hibernating arctic ground squirrels. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 179:691-700.
Lewis, J. M. , T. J. Grove, and K. M. O'Brien. 2015. Energetic costs of protein synthesis do not differ between red- and white-blooded Antarctic notothenioid fishes.. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol 187:177-83.
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Fedorov, V. B. , A. V. Goropashnaya, O. Toien, N. C. Stewart, A. Y. Gracey, C. Change, S. Qin, G. Pertea, J. Quackenbush, L. C. Showe, M. K. Showe, B. B. Boyer, and B. M. Barnes. 2009. Elevated expression of protein biosynthesis genes in liver and muscle of hibernating black bears (Ursus americanus). Physiological Genomics 37:108-118.
Stanley, E. H. , S. G. Fisher, and J. B. Jones. 2004. Effects of water loss on primary producers: a landscape-model. Aquatic Sciences 66:130–138.
Brinkman, T. J. , M. K. Schwartz, D. K. Person, K. L. Pilgrim, and K. J. Hundertmark. 2009. Effects of time and rainfall on PCR success using DNA extracted from deer fecal pellets. Conservation Genetics 11:1547–1552.
Joyce, W. , M. Axelsson, S. E. Egginton, A. P. Farrell, E. L. Crockett, and K. M. O'Brien. 2019. The effects of thermal acclimation on cardio-respiratory performance in an Antarctic fish (Notothenia coriiceps). Conserv. Physiol. 6.
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Falke, J. A. , and K. B. Gido. 2006. Effects of reservoir connectivity on stream fish assemblages in the Great Plains. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:480-493.
Schwartz, C. C. , K. J. Hundertmark, and W. R. Lance. 1991. Effects of R51163 on intake and metabolism in moose.. Journal of wildlife diseases 27:119–22.
