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Journal Article
Barboza, P. S. , A. Bennett, J. - H. Lignot, R. I. Mackie, T. J. McWhorter, S. M. Secor, N. Skovaard, M. A. Sundset, and T. Wang. 2010. Digestive Challenges for Vertebrate Animals: Microbial Diversity, Cardiorespiratory Coupling, and Dietary Specialization*. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 83:764–774.
Staaland, H. , N. A. Oritsland, and R. G. White. 1988. Digestion of energy and nutrients in Svalbard reindeer 8:2 - 10.
Gasaway, W. C. , R. G. White, and D. F. Holleman. 1976. Digestion of dry matter and absorption of water in the intestine and cecum of rock ptarmigan 78:77 - 84.
Boyer, B. B. , B. M. Barnes, B. B. Lowell, and D. Grujic. 1998. Differential regulation of uncoupling protein gene homologues in multiple tissues of hibernating ground squirrels. American Journal of Physiology 275:R1232-R1238.
O’Connor, W. T. , K. L. Drew, and U. Ungerstedt. 1995. Differential cholinergic regulation of dopamine release in the dorsal and ventral neostriatum of the rat. Journal of Neuroscience 15:8353–8361.
Glad, T. , P. Barboza, R. I. Mackie, A. - D. G. Wright, L. Brusetti, S. D. Mathiesen, and M. A. Sundset. 2014. Dietary supplementation of usnic Acid, an antimicrobial compound in lichens, does not affect rumen bacterial diversity or density in reindeer.. Curr Microbiol 68:724-8.
Staaland, H. , R. G. White, J. R. Luick, and D. F. Holleman. 1980. Dietary influences on sodium and potassium metabolism of reindeer 58:1728 - 1734.
Frank, C. L. , S. Karpovich, and B. M. Barnes. 2008. Dietary fatty acid composition and the hibernation patterns in free-ranging arctic ground squirrels. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 81:486-495.
Bersamin, A. , B. R. Luick, E. Ruppert, J. S. Stern, and S. Zidenberg-Cherr. 2008. Diet quality among Yup’ik Eskimos living in rural communitites is low: The Center for Alaska Native Health Research pilot study. Journal of American Dietetic Association 106:1055–1063.
Stephenson, T. R. , W. J Testa, G. P. Adams, C. C. Schwartz, and K. J. Hundertmark. 1995. DIAGNOSIS OF PREGNANCY AND TWINNING IN MOOSE BY ULTRASONOGRAPHY AND SERUM ASSAY. Alces 31:167–172.
Lowell, B. B. , V. S. Susulic, A. Hamann, J. A. Lawitts, J. Himms-Hagen, B. B. Boyer, L. P. Kozak, and J. S. Flier. 1993. Development of obesity in transgenic mice after genetic ablation of brown adipose tissue. Nature 366:740–742.
Wagner, D. , J. B. Jones, and D. M. Gordon. 2004. Development of harvester ant colonies alters soil chemistry. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36:797–804.
Osborne, P. G. , Y. Hu, D. N. Covey, B. M. Barnes, Z. Katz, and K. L. Drew. 1999. Determination of striatal extracellular g-aminobutyric acid in non-hibernating and hibernating Arctic ground squirrels using quantitative microdialysis. Brain Research 839:1–6.
Osborne, P. G. , Y. Hu, D. N. Covey, B. M. Barnes, Z. Katz, and K. L. Drew. 1999. Determination of striatal extracellular g-aminobutyric acid in non-hibernating and hibernating Arctic ground squirrels using quantitative microdialysis. Brain Research 839:1-6.
Booms, T. L. , P. F. Schempf, B. J. McCaffery, M. S. Lindberg, and M. R. Fuller. 2010. Detection probability of cliff-nesting raptors during helicopter and fixed-wing aircraft surveys in Western Alaska. Journal of Raptor Research 44:175–187.
Meixell, B. W. , T. W. Arnold, M. S. Lindberg, M. M. Smith, J. A. Runstadler, and A. M. Ramey. 2016. Detection, prevalence, and transmission of avian hematozoa in waterfowl at the Arctic/sub-Arctic interface: co-infections, viral interactions, and sources of variation. Parasites & Vectors 9:390.
Russell, D. E. , K. L. Gerhart, R. G. White, and D. Van de Wetering. 1998. Detection of early pregnancy in caribou: evidence for embryonic mortality 62:1066 - 1075.
Yan, J. , A. Burman, C. Nichols, L. Alila, L. C. Showe, M. K. Showe, B. B. Boyer, B. M. Barnes, and T. G. Marr. 2006. Detection of differential gene expression in brown adipose tissue of hibernating arctic ground squirrels with mouse microarrays. Physiological Genomics 25:346–353.
Sedinger, J. S. , M. S. Lindberg, B. T. Person, M. W. Eichholz, M. P. Herzog, and P. L. Flint. 1998. Density-dependent effects on growth, body size, and clutch size in black brant. Auk 115:613–620.
Hoekman, S. T. , T. S. Gabor, M. J. Petrie, and M. Lindberg. 2006. Demographics of breeding female mallards in southern Ontario, Canada. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:111–120.
