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Fenster, C. B. , W. S. Armbruster, P. Wilson, M. R. Dudash, and J. D. Thomson. 2004. Pollination syndromes and floral specialization 35:375 - 403.
Fellman, J. B. , E. Hood, R. T. Edwards, and J. B. Jones. 2009. Uptake of allochthonous dissolved organic matter from soil and salmon in coastal temperate rainforest streams. Ecosystems 12:747–759.
Feist, D. D. , and R. G. White. 1989. Terrestrial mammals in cold. 327 - 360 in L. C. H. Wang Advances in comparative and environmental physiology. . Springer-VerlagBerlin.
Fedorov, V. B. , A. V. Goropashnaya, O. Toien, N. C. Stewart, C. Chang, H. Wang, J. Yan, L. C. Showe, M. K. Showe, S. W. Donahue, and B. M. Barnes. 2012. Preservation of bone mass and structure in hibernating black bears (Ursus americanus) through elevated expression of anabolic genes. Functional Integrative Genomics 12:357-365.
Fedorov, V. B. , A. V. Goropashnaya, O. Toien, N. C. Stewart, C. Chang, H. Wang, J. Yan, L. C. Showe, M. K. Showe, and B. M. Barnes. 2011. Modulation of gene expression in heart and liver of hibernating black bears (Ursus americanus). BMC Genomics 12:171.
Fedorov, V. B. , A. V. Goropashnaya, O. Toien, N. C. Stewart, A. Y. Gracey, C. Change, S. Qin, G. Pertea, J. Quackenbush, L. C. Showe, M. K. Showe, B. B. Boyer, and B. M. Barnes. 2009. Elevated expression of protein biosynthesis genes in liver and muscle of hibernating black bears (Ursus americanus). Physiological Genomics 37:108-118.
Fastie, C. L. , A. H. Llyod, and P. Doak. 2003. Fire history and postfire forest development in an upland watershed of interior Alaska. Journal of Geophsyical Research 108:8150.
Fancy, S. G. , and R. G. White. 1986. Predicting energy expenditures for activities of caribou from heart rates:123 - 130.
Fancy, S. G. , and R. G. White. 1987. Energy expenditures for locomotion by barren-ground caribou 65:122 - 128.
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Fancy, S. G. , and R. G. White. 1985. Energy expenditures by caribou while cratering in snow 49:987 - 993.
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Falke, J. A. , K. D. Fausch, K. R. Bestgen, and L. L. Bailey. 2010. Spawning phenology and habitat use in a Great Plains, USA, stream fish assemblage: an occupancy estimation approach. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67:1942-1956.
Falke, J. A. , J. B. Dunham, D. Hockman-Wert, and R. Pahl. 2016. A Simple Prioritization Tool to Diagnose Impairment of Stream Temperature for Coldwater Fishes in the Great Basin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:147-160.
Falke, J. A. , and K. D. Fausch. 2010. From metapopulations to metacommunities: linking theory with empirical observations of the spatial population dynamics of stream fishes.. 207-233 in K. B. Gido and Jackson, D. A. Community ecology of stream fishes: concepts, approaches and techniques. . American Fisheries SocietyBethesda, MD.
Falke, J. A. , and K. B. Gido. 2006. Spatial effects of reservoirs on fish assemblages in great plains streams in Kansas, USA. River Research and Applications 22:55-68.
Falke, J. A. , K. R. Bestgen, and K. D. Fausch. 2010. Streamflow Reductions and Habitat Drying Affect Growth, Survival, and Recruitment of Brassy Minnow across a Great Plains Riverscape. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:1566-1583.
Falke, J. A. , and K. B. Gido. 2006. Effects of reservoir connectivity on stream fish assemblages in the Great Plains. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:480-493.
Falke, J. A. , L. L. Bailey, K. D. Fausch, and K. R. Bestgen. 2012. Colonization and extinction in dynamic habitats: an occupancy approach for a Great Plains stream fish assemblage. Ecology 93:858-867.
Falke, J. A. , K. D. Fausch, R. Magelky, A. Aldred, D. S. Durnford, L. K. Riley, and R. Oad. 2011. The role of groundwater pumping and drought in shaping ecological futures for stream fishes in a dryland river basin of the western Great Plains, USA. Ecohydrology 4:682-697.
Falke, J. A. , R. L. Flitcroft, J. B. Dunham, K. M. McNyset, P. F. Hessburg, and G. H. Reeves. 2015. Climate change and vulnerability of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in a fire-prone landscape. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72:304-318.
