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Found 1049 results
Journal Article
Pélabon, C. , T. F. Hansen, M. L. Carlson, N. G. Yoccoz, and W. S. Armbruster. 2004. Consequences of inter-population crosses on developmental stability and canalization of floral traits in Dalechampia scandens 17:19 - 32.
Kim, B. I. , J. D. Blanton, A. Gilbert, L. Castrodale, K. Hueffer, D. Slate, and C. E. Rupprecht. 2013. A Conceptual Model for the Impact of Climate Change on Fox Rabies in Alaska, 1980-2010.. Zoonoses Public Health.
Luick, J. R. , R. G. White, A. M. Gau, and R. Jenness. 1974. Compositional changes in the milk secreted by grazing reindeer. I. Gross composition and ash 57:1325 - 1333.
Muchhala, N. , Z. Brown, S. W. Armbruster, and M. D. Potts. 2010. Competition Drives Specialization in Pollination Systems Through Costs to Male Fitness 176:732 - 743.
Roach, J. K. , B. Griffith, and D. Verbyla. 2012. Comparison of three methods for long-term monitoring of boreal lake area using Landsat TM and ETM. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 38:427–440.
Staaland, H. , E. Jacobsen, and R. G. White. 1979. Comparison of the digestive tract in Svalbard and Norwegian reindeer 11:457 - 466.
Parker, K. L. , R. G. White, M. P. Gillingham, and D. F. Holleman. 1990. Comparison of energy metabolism in relation to daily activity and milk consumption by caribou and muskox neonates 68:106 - 114.
Gottschalk, T. K. , and F. Huettmann. 2010. Comparison of distance sampling and territory mapping methods for birds in four different habitats. Journal of Ornithology 152:421–429.
Dodds, W. K. , K. C. Wilson, R. L. Rehmeier, G. L. Knight, S. Wiggam, J. A. Falke, H. J. Dalgleish, and K. N. Bertrand. 2008. Comparing Ecosystem Goods and Services Provided by Restored and Native Lands. Bioscience 58:837-845.
Bennett, V. A. , T. Sformo, K. Walters, O. Toien, K. Jeannet, R. Hochstrasser, W. Pan, A. S. Serianni, B. M. Barnes, and J. G. Duman. 2005. Comparative overwintering physiology of Alaska and Indiana populations of the beetle Cucujus clavipes (Fabricius): roles of antifreeze proteins, polyols, dehydration and diapause. Journal of Experimental Biology 208:4467-4477.
LaPerriere, J. D. , T. D. Simpson, and J. R. Jones. 2003. Comparative Linmology of Some Lakes in Interior Alaska. Lake and Reservoir Management 19:122–132.
Ickert-Bond, S. , K. B. Pigg, and J. Wen. 2007. Comparative infructescence morphology in Altingia (Altingiaceae) and discordance between morphological and molecular phylogenies. American Journal of Botany 94:1094–1115.
Chan-McLeod, A. C. A. , R. G. White, and D. G. Russell. 1999. Comparative body composition strategies of breeding and nonbreeding female caribou 77:1901 - 1907.
Perry, G. , M. Taddeo, A. Nunomura, X. Zhu, T. Zenteno-Savin, K. L. Drew, S. Shimohama, J. Avila, R. J. Castellani, and M. A. Smith. 2002. Comparative biology and pathology of oxidative stress in Alzheimer and other neurodegenerative diseases: beyond damage and reponse. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology 133:507–513.
Armbruster, W. S. , C. P. H. Mulder, B. G. Baldwin, S. Kalisz, B. Wessa, and H. Nute. 2002. Comparative analysis of late floral development and mating-system evolution in tribe Collinsieae (Scrophularia s.l.) 89:37 - 49.
Lindberg, M. S. , S. G Boomer, J. A. Schmutz, and J. A. Walker. 2017. A comment on “temporal variation in survival and recovery rates of lesser scaup”. The Journal of Wildlife Management.
Betts, M. G. , L. M. Ganio, M. M. Huso, N. A. Som, F. Huettmann, J. Bowman, and B. A. Wintle. 2009. Comment on ‘‘Methods to account for spatial autocorrelation in the analysis of species distributional data: A review’’. Ecography Early View.
Kendall, W. L. , R. J. Barker, G. C. White, M. S. Lindberg, C. A. Langtimm, and C. L. ñaloza. 2013. Combining dead recovery, auxiliary observations and robust design data to estimate demographic parameters from marked individuals. Methods in Ecology and Evolution:n/a - n/a.
Hueffer, K. , L. Govindasamy, M. Agbandje-McKenna, and C. R. Parrish. 2003. Combinations of two capsid regions controlling canine host range determine canine transferrin receptor binding by canine and feline parvoviruses.. J Virol 77:10099-105.
Hundertmark, K. J. , T. R. Bowyer, G. F. Shields, C. C. Schwartz, and M. H. Smith. 2006. Colonization history and taxonomy of moose Alces alces in southeastern Alaska inferred from mtDNA variation. Wildlife Biology 12:331–338.
Falke, J. A. , L. L. Bailey, K. D. Fausch, and K. R. Bestgen. 2012. Colonization and extinction in dynamic habitats: an occupancy approach for a Great Plains stream fish assemblage. Ecology 93:858-867.
