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Found 1049 results
Seaman, D. E. , B. Griffith, and R. A. Powell. 1998. KERNELHR: a program for estimating home ranges. Wildlife Society Bulletin 26:95–100.
White, R. G. , J. E. Rowell, J. E. Blake, and W. Hauer. 1998. Population structure and dynamics in captive muskoxen at the Large Animal Research Station, 1988-1994 18:145 - 151.
Stephenson, T. R. , K. J. Hundertmark, C. C. Schwartz, and V. Van Ballenberghe. 1998. Predicting body fat and body mass in moose with ultrasonography. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76:717–722.
Groves, P. , and J. Wu. 1998. Proceedings of the 2nd World Conference on Mountain Ungulates. 47–58 in .
Maier, J. A. K. , S. M. Murphy, R. G. White, and M. Smith. 1998. Responses of caribou to overflights by low-altitude jet aircraft 62:752 - 766.
Bubenik, G. A. , D. Schams, R. G. White, J. Rowell, J. Blake, and L. Bartos. 1998. Seasonal levels of metabolic hormones and substrates in male and female reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) 120c:307 - 315.
Armbruster, W. S. , and B. G. Baldwin. 1998. Switch from specialized to generalized pollination 394:632.
Maier, J. A. K. , and R. G. White. 1998. Timing and synchrony of activity in caribou 76:1999 - 2009.
Milner, A. M. , J. G. Irons, and M. W. Oswood. 1997. The Alaska landscape: an introduction for limnologists. 1-44 in M. W. Oswood and Milner, A. M. Freshwaters of Alaska: ecological syntheses. . Springer-VerlagNew York.
Biery, A. J. , S. O. E. Ebbesson, A. R. Shuldiner, and B. B. Boyer. 1997. The b3-adrenergic receptor TRP64ARG polymorphism and obesity in Alaskan Eskimos. International Journal of Obesity 21:1176–1179.
Groves, P. , and G. F. Shields. 1997. Cytochrome b sequences suggest convergent evolution of the Asian takin and arctic muskox. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 8:363–374.
Armbruster, W. S. , J. J. Howard, T. P. Clausen, E. M. Debevec, J. C. Loquvam, M. Matsuki, B. Cerendolo, and F. Andel. 1997. Do biochemical exaptations link evolution of plant defense and pollination systems? Historical hypotheses and experimental tests with Dalechampia vines 149:461 - 484.
Lindberg, M. S. , and J. S. Sedinger. 1997. Ecological consequences of nest site fidelity in black brant. Condor 99:25–38.
Lindberg, M. S. , J. S. Sedinger, and P. L. Flint. 1997. Effects of spring environment on nesting phenology and clutch size of black brant. Condor 99:381–388.
Sedinger, J. S. , M. S. Lindberg, M. Eichholz, and N. Chelgren. 1997. Influence of hatch date versus maternal and genetic effects on growth of black brant goslings. Auk 114:129–132.
Groves, P. . 1997. Intraspecific variation of mitochondrial DNA of muskoxen based on control region sequences. Canadian Journal of Zoology 75:568–575.
Boyer, B. B. , O. A. Ormseth, L. Buck, M. Nicolson, M. A. Pelleymounter, and B. M. Barnes. 1997. Leptin prevents post-hibernation weight gain but does not reduce energy expenditure in arctic ground squirrels. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 118c:405-412.
Ackerman, S. L. , L. P. Kozak, S. A. Przyborski, L. A. Rund, B. B. Boyer, and B. B. Knowles. 1997. The mouse rostral cerebellar malformation gene encodes an UNC-5-like protein. Nature 386:838–842.
Groves, P. . 1997. Muskox. Alaska Geographic 23:56–94.
Rodgers, A. R. , S. M. Tomkiewicz, E. J. Lawson, T. R. Stephenson, K. J. Hundertmark, P. J. Wilson, B. N. White, and R. S. Rempel. 1997. New technology for moose management: a workshop. Alces 34:239–244.
Drew, K. L. , T. Fitka, Y. Hu, and U. Ungerstedt. 1997. Non-exocytotic gaba overflow in rat striatum inhibits gnawing. Life Sciences 61:1593–1601.
Schulman, A. B. , and R. G. White. 1997. Nursing behavior as a predictor of alternate-year reproduction in muskoxen 17:31 - 35.
