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Found 1049 results
Journal Article
Wilson, R. E. , T. H. Valqui, and K. G. McCracken. 2006. Aberrant plumage in the Yellow-billed Pintail Anas georgica. Wildfowl 56:192–196.
Latty, C. J. , T. E. Hollmén, M. R. Petersen, A. N. Powell, and R. D. Andrews. 2010. Abdominally implanted transmitters with percutaneous atennas affect the dive performance of common eiders. The Condor 112:314–322.
Sedinger, J. S. , M. S. Lindberg, and N. D. Chelgren. 2001. 1873. Journal of Animal Ecology 70:795–807.
Conference Paper
Luick, J. R. , R. G. White, and R. D. Cameron. 1980. Utilization of plasma glucose for energy metabolism and for the synthesis of milk fat and milk casein by the lactating reindeer. 311 - 323 in E. Gaare, Skjenneberg, S. , and Reimers, E. 2nd International Reindeer/Caribou Symposium. . Direktoratet for Vilt og Ferskvannsfisk.
Williams, C. T. , M. J. Sheriff, B. M. Barnes, and C. L. Buck. 2013. Phenology of hibernation and reproduction in free-living arctic ground squirrels. in INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY. . OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC JOURNALS DEPT, 2001 EVANS RD, CARY, NC 27513 USA.
White, R. G. , and J. Trudell. 1980. Patterns of herbivory and nutrient intake of reindeer grazing tundra vegetation. 180 - 195 in E. Gaare, Skjenneberg, S. , and Reimers, E. 2nd International Reindeer/Caribou Symposium. . Direktoratet for Vilt og Ferskvannsfisk.
White, R. G. , D. E. Russell, B. Griffith, and R. D. Cameron. 2006. Nutritional controls over caribou growth and reproduction in the Arctic: Is the "selfish cow" syndrome an Arctic adaptation?. in 6th Comp. Nutr. Soc. Symp. . Keystone Resort and Conference Center, Keystone, CO.
White, R. G. , D. E. Russell, B. Griffith, and R. D. Cameron. 2006. Nutritional controls over caribou growth and reproduction in the Arctic: Is the ‘‘selfish cow’’ syndrome an Arctic adaptation?. . Keystone Resort and Conference Center, Keystone, CO.
Richter, M. M. , T. N. Lee, O. Toien, B. M. Barnes, and C. L. Buck. 2013. Hibernation at Extremes: How low can you go?. in INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY. . OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC JOURNALS DEPT, 2001 EVANS RD, CARY, NC 27513 USA.
Klein, D. R. , and R. G. White. 1978. Grazing ecology of caribou and reindeer in tundra systems. 469 - 472 in 1st International Rangeland Congress.
White, R. G. . 1977. Factors regulating the food intake of caribou and reindeer on tundra ranges. I-227-I-233 in Circumpolar Conference on Northern Ecology. . National Research Council of Canada.
Hill, N. J. , E. J. Ma, B. W. Meixell, M. Lindberg, W. M. Boyce, and J. A. Runstadler. 2016. Evidence of seasonality in a host-pathogen system: Influenza across the annual cycle of wild birds. in INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY. . OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC JOURNALS DEPT, 2001 EVANS RD, CARY, NC 27513 USA.
Holleman, D. F. , R. G. White, J. R. Luick, and R. O. Stephenson. 1980. Energy flow through the lichen-caribou-wolf food chain during winter in northern Alaska. 202 - 206 in E. Gaare, Skjenneberg, S. , and Reimers, E. 2nd International Reindeer/Caribou Symposium. . Direktoratet for Vilt og Ferskvannsfisk.
White, R. G. . 1993. Energy expenditure of ruminants on pasture. 475 - 498 in VII World Conference on Animal Production.
Person, S. J. , R. G. White, and J. R. Luick. 1980. Determination of nutritive value of reindeer-caribou range. 224 - 239 in E. Gaare, Skjenneberg, S. , and Reimers, E. 2nd International Reindeer/Caribou Symposium. . Direktoratet for Vilt of Ferskvannsfisk.
Trudell, J. , R. G. White, E. Jacobsen, H. Staaland, K. Ekern, K. Kildemo, and E. Gaare. 1980. Comparison of some factors affecting the in vitro digestibility estimate of reindeer forages. 262 - 273 in E. Gaare, Skjenneberg, S. , and Reimers, E. 2nd International Reindeer/Caribou Symposium. . Direktoratet for Vilt og Ferskvannsfisk.
Barnes, B. M. , C. T. Williams, and C. L. Buck. 2013. Circadian rhythms in free-living arctic ground squirrels. in INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY. . OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC JOURNALS DEPT, 2001 EVANS RD, CARY, NC 27513 USA.
Murphy, S. M. , R. G. White, B. A. Kugler, J. A. Kitchens, , and D. S. Barber. 1993. Behavioral effects of jet aircraft on caribou in Alaska. 479 - 486 in M. Vallet Noise & Man '93: Noise as a public health problem. Proc. 6th Intl. Congr. . Inrets.
Book Chapter
White, R. G. , B. A. Tiplady, and P. Groves. 1989. Wildlife production systems: economic utilisation of wild ungulates. 387–400 in K. R. Drew, Baskin, L. M. , and Hudson, R. J. . . Cambridge University PressCambridge.
Cameron, R. D. , J. R. Luick, and R. G. White. 1982. Water turnover in reindeer: some environmental implications. 189 - 194 in Use of tritiated water in studies of production and adaptation in ruminants. . International Atomic Energy AgencyVienna.
White, R. G. , and A. M. Gau. 1975. Volatile fatty acid (VFA) production in the rumen and cecum of reindeer. 284 - 289 in P. C. Lent, Klein, D. R. , White, R. G. , 1, S. Report No., and Luick, J. R. Proceedings of the First International Reindeer and Caribou Symposium. . Fairbanks, Alaska.
White, R. G. . 1991. Validation and sensitivity analysis of the Porcupine Caribou Herd model. 334 - 355 in S. P. Mahoney and Butler, C. E. Proceedings of the 4th North American Caribou Workshop. . Newfoundland and Labrador Wildlife DivisionSt. John's, Newfoundland.
White, R. G. , F. L. Bunnell, E. Gaare, T. Skogland, and B. Hubert. 1981. Ungulates on arctic ranges. 397 - 483 in J. B. Cragg, Heal, O. W. , Moore, J. J. , and Bliss, L. C. Tundra ecosystems: a comparative analysis. . Cambridge University PressCambridge.
Holleman, D. , J. R. Luick, and R. G. White. 1974. Transfer of radiocesium in milk from reindeer cow to calf. 76 - 80 in D. J. Nelson Radionuclides in ecosystems. . National Technical Information ServiceWashington, D.C.
Armbruster, W. S. , D. Rae, and M. E. Edwards. 2006. Topographic complexity and biotic response to high-latitude climate change: Variance is as important as the mean. 105 - 122 in J. B. Ørbæk al Arctic-Alpine Ecosystems and People in a Changing Environment. . Springer Verlag.
