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Baumgartner, C. K. , A. Ferrante, M. Nagaoka, J. Gorski, and L. P. Malherbe. 2010. Peptide-MHC class II complex stability governs CD4 T cell clonal selection.. J Immunol 184:573-81.
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Barnes, B. M. , and A. D. York. 1990. Effect of winter high temperatures on reproduction and circannual rhythms in hibernating ground squirrels. Journal of Biological Rhythms 5:119-130.
Barnes, B. M. , C. T. Williams, and C. L. Buck. 2013. Circadian rhythms in free-living arctic ground squirrels. in INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY. . OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC JOURNALS DEPT, 2001 EVANS RD, CARY, NC 27513 USA.
Barnes, B. M. , and C. L. Buck. 2000. Hibernation in the extreme: burrow and body temperatures, metabolism, and limits to torpor bout length in arctic ground squirrels. 65-72 in M. Klingenspor and Heldmaier, G. Life in the Cold: Eleventh International Hibernation Symposium. . Springer-VerlagBerlin.
Barnes, B. M. , and D. Ritter. 1993. Patterns of body temperature change in hibernating arctic ground squirrels. 119-130 in G. L. Florant, Wunder, B. A. , Horwitz, B. , and Carey, C. Life in the cold: ecological, physiological, and molecular mechanisms. . Westview PressBoulder.
Barger, C. P. , and A. S. Kitaysky. 2012. Isotopic segregation between sympatric seabird species increases with nutritional stress. Biology Letters 8:442–445.
Barger, J. L. , B. M. Barnes, and B. B. Boyer. 2006. Regulation of UCP1 and UCP3 in arctic ground squirrels and relation with mitochondrial proton leak. Journal of Applied Physiology 101:339–347.
Barger, J. L. , M. D. Brand, B. M. Barnes, and B. B. Boyer. 2003. Tissue-specific depression of mitochondrial proton leak and substrate oxidation in hibernating arctic ground squirrels. American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 284:R1306-1313.
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Barboza, P. S. , and K. L. Parker. 2006. Body protein stores and isotopic indicators of N balance in female reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) during winter. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 79:628–644.
Barboza, P. S. , and R. T. Bowyer. 2000. Sexual segregation in dimorphic deer: a new gastrocentric hypothesis. Journal of Mammalogy 81:473–489.
Barboza, P. S. , E. P. Rombach, J. E. Blake, and J. A. Nagy. 2003. Copper status of muskoxen: a comparison of wild and captive populations. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 39:610–619.
Barboza, P. S. , and K. L. Parker. 2008. Allocating protein to reproduction in arctic reindeer and caribou. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 81:835-55.
Barboza, P. S. , and R. T. Bowyer. 2001. Seasonality of sexual segregation in dimorphic deer: extending the gastrocentric model. Alces 37:275–292.
Barboza, P. S. , and P. E. Reynolds. 2004. Monitoring nutrition of a large grazer: muskoxen on the Arctic Wildlife Refuge. International Congress Series 1275:327–333.
