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Barboza, P. S. , and K. L. Parker. 2006. Body protein stores and isotopic indicators of N balance in female reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) during winter. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 79:628–644.
Lake, B. C. , J. A. Schmutz, M. S. Lindberg, C. R. Ely, W. D. Eldridge, and F. J. Borerman. 2008. Body mass of prefledging Emperor Geese Chen canagica : large-scale effects of interspecific densities and food availability. Ibis 150:527–540.
Chan-McLeod, A. C. A. , R. G. White, and D. E. Russell. 1995. Body mass and composition indices for female barren-ground caribou 59:278 - 291.
Ringberg, T. M. , R. G. White, D. F. Holleman, and J. R. Luick. 1981. Body growth and carcass composition of lean reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.) from birth to sexual maturity 59:1040 - 1044.
Allaye-Chan, A. C. , and R. G. White. 1991. Body condition variations among adult females of the Porcupine Caribou Herd. 103 - 108 in S. P. Mahoney and Butler, C. E. Proceedings of the 4th North American Caribou Workshop. . Newfoundland and Labrador Wildlife DivisionSt. John's, Newfoundland.
Gerhart, K. L. , R. G. White, R. D. Cameron, and D. E. Russell. 1996. Body composition and nutrient reserves of arctic caribou 74:136 - 146.
Callaghan, D. , and K. G. McCracken. 2005. Bird Families of the World, Ducks, Geese, and Swans. 343–346 in J. Kear.
McCracken, K. G. . 2005. Bird Families of the World, Ducks, Geese, and Swans. 213–217 in J. Kear. . Oxford University Press.
Callaghan, D. , and K. G. McCracken. 2005. Bird Families of the World, Ducks, Geese, and Swans. 213 in J. Kear. . Oxford University Press.
Luick, J. R. , B. Sammons, J. Blanchard, P. G. Tallas, B. R. Luick, and R. G. White. 1983. Biosynthesis of milk lactose by lactating reindeer 175:73 - 74.
Ma, S. , J. Chen, J. R. Butnor, M. North, E. S. Euskirchen, and B. Oakley. 2005. Biophysical controls on soil respiration in the dominant patch types of an old-growth, mixed-conifer forest. Society of American Foresters 51:221–232.
Klein, D. R. , R. G. White, and S. Keller. 1984. Biological Papers of the University of Alaska, Special Report No. 4. . University of AlaskaFairbanks, AK.
Hudson, R. J. , and R. G. White. 1985. Bioenergetics of wild herbivores. . CRC PressBoca Raton, FL.
Wilson, R. E. , S. D. Goldfeder, and K. G. McCracken. 2004. Bill sexual dichromatism of Yellow-billed Pintail (Anas georgica) and Speckled Teal (A. flavirostris). Ornitologia Neotropical 15:543–545.
Mooers, A. O. , L. R. Prugh, M. Festa-Bianchet, and J. A. Hutchings. 2007. Biases in legal listing under Canadian endangered species legislation. Conservation Biology 21:572-575.
Benoqitz-Fredericks, Z. M. , and A. S. Kitaysky. 2005. Benefits and costs of rapid growth in common murre (Uria aalge) chicks. Journal of Avian Biology 36:287–294.
Kitaysky, A. S. , E. V. Kitaiskaia, J. F. Piatt, and J. C. Wingfield. 2003. Benefits and costs of increased corticosterone secretion in seabird chicks. Hormones and Behavior 43:140–149.
Gilbert, S. L. , K. J. Hundertmark, D. K. Person, M. S. Lindberg, and M. S. Boyce. 2017. Behavioral plasticity in a variable environment: snow depth and habitat interactions drive deer movement in winter. Journal of Mammalogy 98:246-259.
Murphy, S. M. , R. G. White, B. A. Kugler, J. A. Kitchens, , and D. S. Barber. 1993. Behavioral effects of jet aircraft on caribou in Alaska. 479 - 486 in M. Vallet Noise & Man '93: Noise as a public health problem. Proc. 6th Intl. Congr. . Inrets.
Prugh, L. R. , and J. S. Brashares. 2010. Basking in the moonlight? Illumination increases the capture success of the endangered giant kangaroo rat. Journal of Mammalogy 91:1205-1212.
Russell, D. E. , G. Kofinas, and B. Griffith. 2002. Barren-Ground Caribou Calving Ground Workshop Report of Proceedings. Technical Report Series Canadian Wildlife Service Environmental Conservation Branch.
Biery, A. J. , S. O. E. Ebbesson, A. R. Shuldiner, and B. B. Boyer. 1997. The b3-adrenergic receptor TRP64ARG polymorphism and obesity in Alaskan Eskimos. International Journal of Obesity 21:1176–1179.
Spackman, E. , K. G. McCracken, K. Winker, and D. E. Swayne. 2007. An avian influenza virus from waterfowl in South America contains genes from North American avian and equine lineages. Avian Diseases 51:273–274.
Kulikova, I. V. , Y. N. Zhuravlev, and K. G. McCracken. 2004. Asymmetrick hybridization and sex-biased gene flow between Eastern spot-billed ducks and mallards in the Russian Far East. The Auk 121:930–949.
