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Found 1049 results
Book Chapter
Feist, D. D. , and R. G. White. 1989. Terrestrial mammals in cold. 327 - 360 in L. C. H. Wang Advances in comparative and environmental physiology. . Springer-VerlagBerlin.
Irons, J. G. , S. R. Ray, L. K. Miller, and M. W. Oswood. 1989. Spatial and seasonal patterns of streambed water temperatures in an Alaskan subarctic stream. 381-390 in Headwaters hydrology. Proceedings of a symposium. . American Water Resources Association.
White, R. G. . 1975. Some aspects of nutritional adaptations of arctic herbivorous mammals. 239 - 268 in F. J. Vernberg Physiological adaptation to the environment. . Intext Educational PublishersNew York.
Oswood, M. W. , J. G. Irons, and A. M. Milner. 1995. River and stream ecosystems of Alaska. 9-32 in K. W. Cummins, Minshall, G. W. , and Cushing, C. E. River and stream ecosystems. Ecosystems of the world No. 22. . ElsevierAmsterdam.
Barnes, B. M. . 1996. Relationships between hibernation and reproduction in male ground squirrels. 71-80 in A. J. Hulbert, Nicol, S. C. , and Geiser, F. Adaptations to the cold: Tenth International Hibernation Symposium. . University of New England PressArmidale.
White, R. G. , B. A. Tiplady, and P. Groves. 1989. Qiviut production from muskoxen. 387 - 400 in K. R. Drew, Baskin, L. M. , and Hudson, R. J. Wildlife production systems: economic utilisation of wild ungulates. . Cambridge University PressCambridge.
Huettmann, F. . 2012. Protection of the Three Poles. 265–330 in . . SpringerToyko.
Nemitz, D. , F. Huettmann, E. M. Spehn, and B. W. Dickore. 2012. Protection of the Three Poles. 135–158 in . . Springer.
Huettmann, F. . 2012. Protection of the Three Poles. 3–32 in . . SpringerToyko.
Wen, J. , S. Ickert-Bond, Z. Nie, and R. Li. 2010. Proceedings of the Darwin 2010 Beijing International Conference. 252–269 in . . Beijing: Higher Education Press.
Groves, P. , and J. Wu. 1998. Proceedings of the 2nd World Conference on Mountain Ungulates. 47–58 in .
Huettmann, F. . 2007. Proceedings 18th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA). 673–677 in R. R. Wagner and Tjoa, M. .
Griffith, B. , D. C. Douglas, N. E. Walsh, D. D. Young, T. R. McCabe, D. E. Russell, R. G. White, R. D. Cameron, and K. R. Whitten. 2002. The Porcupine caribou herd. 8 - 37 in P. E. Reynolds, Rhode, E. B. , and Douglas, D. C. Arctic Refuge coastal plain terrestrial wildlife research summaries. . U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources DivisionReston, VA.
Mills, L. S. , and M. A. Lindberg. 2002. Population Viability Analysis. 338–366 in S. R. Beissinger and McCullough, D. R. . . University of Chicago PressChicago, IL.
White, R. G. , and J. R. Luick. 1984. Plasticity and constraints in the lactational strategy of reindeer and caribou. 215 - 232 in R. G. Vernon, Knight, C. H. , and Peaker, M. Physiological strategies in lactation. . Zoological Society of LondonLondon.
Armbruster, W. S. . 1995. Plant-animal interactions. 93 - 102 in Encyclopedia of environmental biology. . Academic PressSan Diego.
Barnes, B. M. , and D. Ritter. 1993. Patterns of body temperature change in hibernating arctic ground squirrels. 119-130 in G. L. Florant, Wunder, B. A. , Horwitz, B. , and Carey, C. Life in the cold: ecological, physiological, and molecular mechanisms. . Westview PressBoulder.
Oswood, M. W. , L. K. Miller, and J. G. Irons. 1991. Overwintering of freshwater benthic macroinvertebrates. 360-375 in D. L. Denlinger and Jr., R. E. L. Insects at low temperature. . Chapman and HallNew York.
White, R. G. . 1992. Nutrition in relation to season, lactation, and growth of north temperate deer. 407 - 417 in R. D. Brown The biology of deer. . Springer-VerlagNew York.
White, R. G. , and S. G. Fancy. 1986. Nutrition and energetics of indigenous northern ungulates. 259 - 269 in O. Gudmundsson Grazing research at northern latitudes. . PlenumNew York.
White, R. G. . 1979. Nutrient acquisition and utilization in arctic herbivores. 13 - 50 in L. L. Tieszen, Callahan, A. B. , Folk, G. E. , and Underwood, L. S. Comparative mechanisms of cold adaptation. . Academic PressNew York.
Boyer, B. B. , B. M. Barnes, J. Kopecky, A. Jacobsson, and J. Hermanska. 1993. Molecular control of prehibernation brown fat growth in arctic ground squirrels. 483-491 in G. L. Florant, Wunder, B. A. , Horwitz, B. , and Carey, C. Life in the cold: ecological, physiological, and molecular mechanisms. . Westview PressBoulder.
Lowell, B. B. , V. S. Susullic, A. Hamann, J. A. Lawitts, J. Himms-Hagen, B. B. Boyer, L. Kozak, and J. S. Flier. 1996. Molecular and genetic aspects of obesity. 598–608 in D. H. Ryan and Bray, G. A. Pennington Center Nutrition Series. . Louisiana State University PressBaton Rouge.
