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W. Armbruster, S. , Y. - B. Gong, and S. - Q. Huang. 2011. Are pollination"syndromes" predictive? Asian Dalechampia fit neotropical models 178:135 - 143.
Armbruster, W. S. , P. Martin, J. Kidd, R. Stafford, and D. G. Rogers. 1995. Reproductive significance of indirect pollen-tube growth in Dalechampia (Euphorbiaceae) 82:51 - 56.
Armbruster, W. S. . 2006. Evolutionary and ecological perspectives on specialization: from the arctic to the tropics. 260 - 282 in J. Ollerton and Waser, N. Plant-Pollinator Interactions: From Specialization to Generalization. . University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Armbruster, W. S. , J. J. Howard, T. P. Clausen, E. M. Debevec, J. C. Loquvam, M. Matsuki, B. Cerendolo, and F. Andel. 1997. Do biochemical exaptations link evolution of plant defense and pollination systems? Historical hypotheses and experimental tests with Dalechampia vines 149:461 - 484.
Armbruster, W. S. , A. L. Herzig, and T. P. Clausen. 1992. Pollination of two sympatric species of Dalechampia (Euphorbiaceae) in Suriname by male euglossine bees 79:1374 - 1381.
Armbruster, W. S. . 1996. Exaptation, adaptation, and homoplasy: evolution of ecological traits in Dalechampia vines. 227 - 243 in L. Hufford and Sanderson, M. J. Homoplasy: the recurrence of similarity in evolution. . Academic PressSan Diego.
Armbruster, W. S. , M. E. Edwards, J. F. Hines, R. L. A. Mahunnah, and P. Munyenyembe. 1993. Pollination ecology 9:460 - 474.
Armbruster, W. S. , and D. G. Rogers. 2004. Does pollen competition reduce the cost of inbreeding? 91:1939 - 1943.
Armbruster, W. S. , and B. G. Baldwin. 1998. Switch from specialized to generalized pollination 394:632.
Armbruster, W. S. , M. E. Edwards, and E. M. Debevec. 1994. Floral character displacement generates assemblage structure of Western Australian triggerplants (Stylidium) 75:315 - 329.
Armbruster, W. S. , R. Perez-Barrales, J. Arroyo, M. E. Edwards, and P. Vargas. 2006. Three-dimensional reciprocity of floral morphs in wild flax (Linum suffruticosum): A new twist on heteryly 171:581 - 590.
