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Brinkman, T. J. , and K. J. Hundertmark. 2008. Sex identification of northern ungulates using low quality and quantity DNA. Conservation Genetics 10:1189–1193.
Oehlers, S. A. , T. R. Bowyer, F. Huettmann, and W. B. Kessler. 2011. Sex and scale: implications for habitat selection by Alaskan moose Alces alces gigas. Wildlife Biology 17:67–84.
Addison, B. A. , A. S. Kitaysky, and M. J. Hipfner. 2008. Sex allocation in a monomorphic seabird with a single-egg clutch: test of the environment, mate quality, and female condition hypotheses. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63:135–141.
Stimmelmayr, R. , K. L. Drew, and R. G. White. 2002. Serum insulin, glucose and lactate concentrations during 18-h fast in female reindeer 133:201 - 208.
Stimmelmayr, R. , K. L. Drew, and R. G. White. 2002. Serum insulin, glucose and lactate concentrations during 18-h fast in female reindeer. Comparative Biology and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 133:201–208.
Aschfalk, A. , K. J. Hundertmark, H. R. Bendiksen, J. R. Arnemo, and N. Denzin. 2003. Serosurvey for antibodies against Salmonella species in free-ranging moose (Alces alces) from Norway. Berliner und Münchener tierärztliche Wochenschrift 116:417–420.
Hueffer, K. , D. Holcomb, L. R. Ballweber, S. M. Gende, G. Blundell, and T. M. O’Hara. 2011. Serologic Surveillance of Pathogens in a Declining Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina) Population in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska, USA and a Reference Site. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 47:984–988.
Guisan, A. , C. H. Graham, J. Elith, F. Huettmann, and N. C. E. A. S. Species Di Group. 2007. Sensitivity of predictive species distribution models to change in grain size. Diversity and Distributions 13:332–340.
Munn, A. J. , P. S. Barboza, and J. Dehn. 2009. Sensible Heat Loss from Muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) Feeding in Winter: Small Calves Are Not at a Thermal Disadvantage Compared with Adult Cows. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 82:455–467.
Linke, J. , S. E. Franklin, F. Huettmann, and G. B. Stenhouse. 2005. Seismic cutlines, changing landscape metrics and grizzly bear landscape use in Alberta. Landscape Ecology 20:811–826.
Barboza, P. S. , and R. T. Bowyer. 2001. Seasonality of sexual segregation in dimorphic deer: extending the gastrocentric model. Alces 37:275–292.
Luick, J. R. , S. J. Person, R. D. Cameron, and R. G. White. 1973. Seasonal variations in glucose metabolism of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) estimated with [U-14]glucose and [3-3H]glucose 29:245 - 259.
Irons, J. G. , and M. W. Oswood. 1992. Seasonal temperature patterns in an arctic and two subarctic Alaskan (USA) headwater streams. Hydrobiologia 237:147-157.
Kenagy, G. J. , and B. M. Barnes. 1988. Seasonal reproductive patterns in four coexisting rodent species from the Cascade Mountains, Washington. Journal of Mammalogy 69:274-292.
Euskirchen, E. S. , M. S. Bret-Harte, G. J. Scott, C. Edgar, and G. R. Shaver. 2012. Seasonal patterns of carbon dioxide and water fluxes in three representative tundra ecosystems in northern Alaska. Ecosphere 3.
Euskirchen, E. S. , M. S. Bret-Harte, G. J. Scott, C. Edgar, and G. R. Shaver. 2012. Seasonal patterns of carbon dioxide and water fluxes in three representative tundra ecosystems in northern Alaska 3.
Fraley, K. M. , J. A. Falke, R. Yanusz, and S. Ivey. 2016. Seasonal Movements and Habitat Use of Potamodromous Rainbow Trout Across a Complex Alaska Riverscape. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 145:1077-1092.
Bubenik, G. A. , D. Schams, R. G. White, J. Rowell, J. Blake, and L. Bartos. 1997. Seasonal levels of reproductive hormones and their relationship to the antler cycle of male and female reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) 116b:269 - 277.
Bubenik, G. A. , D. Schams, R. G. White, J. Rowell, J. Blake, and L. Bartos. 1998. Seasonal levels of metabolic hormones and substrates in male and female reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) 120c:307 - 315.
Peltier, T. C. , P. S. Barboza, and J. E. Blake. 2003. Seasonal hyperphagia does not reduce digestive efficiency in an Arctic grazer. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 76:471–483.
Holleman, D. F. , R. G. White, and D. D. Feist. 1982. Seasonal energy and water metabolism in free-living Alaskan voles 63:293 - 296.
Hegel, T. M. , A. Mysterud, T. Ergon, L. Egil Loe, F. Huettmann, and N. Chr Stenseth. 2010. Seasonal effects of Pacific-based climate on recruitment in a predator-limited large herbivore. Journal of Animal Ecology 79:471–482.
Heim, K. C. , M. S. Wipfli, M. S. Whitman, C. D. Arp, J. Adams, and J. A. Falke. 2015. Seasonal cues of Arctic grayling movement in a small Arctic stream: the importance of surface water connectivity. Environmental Biology of Fishes 99:49-65.
