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Schulman, A. B. , and R. G. White. 1997. Nursing behavior as a predictor of alternate-year reproduction in muskoxen 17:31 - 35.
Schuckard, R. , F. Huettmann, K. Gosbell, J. Geale, S. Kendall, Y. Gerasimov, E. Matsina, and W. Geeves. 2006. Shorebird and Gull Census at Moroshechnaya Estuary, Kamchatka, Far East Russia, during August 2004. Stilt 50:34–46.
Schmidt, J. H. , M. S. Lindberg, D. S. Johnson, and D. L. Verbyla. 2011. Season length influences breeding range dynamics of trumpeter swans Cygnus buccinator. Wildlife Biology 17:364–372.
Schmidt, J. I. , K. Hundertmark, T. R. Bowyer, and K. G. McCracken. 2009. Population structure and genetic diversity of moose in Alaska. Journal of Heredity 100:170–180.
Schmidt, J. I. , K. J. Hundertmark, T. R Bowyer, and K. G. McCracken. 2009. Population structure and genetic diversity of moose in Alaska.. The Journal of heredity 100:170–80.
Schmidt, J. H. , M. S. Lindberg, D. S. Johnson, and J. A. Schmutz. 2009. Environmental and human influences on trumpeter swan habitat occupancy in Alaska. The Condor 111:266–275.
Schmidt, J. H. , M. S. Lindberg, D. S. Johnson, B. Conant, and J. King. 2008. Evidence of Alaskan Trumpeter Swan Population Growth Using Bayesian Hierarchical Models. The Journal of Wildlife Management 73:720–727.
Schmidt, J. H. , D. S. Johnson, M. S. Lindberg, and L. G. Adams. 2015. Estimating demographic parameters using a combination of known-fate and open N-mixture models. Ecology 96:2583–2589.
Satterthwaite, W. H. , A. S. Kitaysky, and M. Mangel. 2012. Linking climate variability, productivity and stress to demography in a long-lived seabird. Marine Ecology Progress Series 454:221–235.
Satterthwaite, W. H. , A. S. Kitaysky, S. A. Hatch, J. F. Piatt, and M. Mangel. 2010. Unifying quantitative life-history theory and field endocrinology to assess prudent parenthood in a long-lived seabird. Evolutionary Ecology Research 12:779–792.
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Safine, D. E. , and M. S. Lindberg. 2008. NEST HABITAT SELECTION OF WHITE-WINGED SCOTERS ON YUKON FLATS, ALASKA. The Wilson 120:582–593.
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Russell, D. E. , K. L. Gerhart, R. G. White, and D. Van de Wetering. 1998. Detection of early pregnancy in caribou: evidence for embryonic mortality 62:1066 - 1075.
Russell, D. E. , S. G. Fancy, K. R. Whitten, and R. G. White. 1991. Overwinter survival of orphan caribou, Rangifer tarandus, calves 105:103 - 105.
Russell, D. E. , G. Kofinas, and B. Griffith. 2002. Barren-Ground Caribou Calving Ground Workshop Report of Proceedings. Technical Report Series Canadian Wildlife Service Environmental Conservation Branch.
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Rowell, J. E. , C. J. Lupton, M. A. Robertson, F. A. Pfeiffer, J. A. Nagy, and R. G. White. 2001. Fiber characteristics of qiviut and guard hair from wild muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) 79:1670 - 1674.
Rotella, J. , M. Taper, S. Stephens, and M. Lindberg. 2007. Extending methods for modeling heterogeneity in nest-survival data using generalized mixed models. Studies in Avian Biology 34:34–44.
Ross, A. P. , S. L. Christian, H. W. Zhao, and K. L. Drew. 2006. Persistent tolerance to oxygen and nutrient deprivation and N-methyl-D-aspartate in cultured hippocampal slices from hibernating Arctic ground squirrel. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism:1–9.
Ross, A. P. , and K. L. Drew. 2006. Potential for discovery of neuroprotective factors in serum and tissue from hibernating species. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry 6:875–884.
