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Kris Hundertmark

- Genetics applications in wildlife research and management
- Population ecology of large mammals
- Phylogeography of Beringian megafauna
- Landscape genetics of wildlife
- Population genomics of wildlife

- PhD: Biological Sciences--Wildlife, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2001
- MS: Wildlife Science, Oregon State University, 1981
- BS: Forest Science, The Pennsylvania State University, 1978
- 2019-present: Associate Professor of Wildlife Biology and Conservation, Emeritus, Institute of Arctic Biology and Department of Biology and Wildlife, University of Alaska Fairbanks
- 2010-2019: Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology, Institute of Arctic Biology and Department of Biology and Wildlife, University of Alaska Fairbanks
- March--May 2013: Visiting Professor, Laboratory of Alpine Ecology, Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France
- January--June 2010: Marie Curie Fellow, Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Bialowieza
- 2005-2010: Assistant Professor of Wildlife Ecology, Institute of Arctic Biology and Department of Biology and Wildlife, University of Alaska Fairbanks
- 2003-2005: Conservation Geneticist, Zoological Society of London, King Khalid Wildlife Research Centre, Thumamah, Saudi Arabia
- 1982-2002: Wildlife Biologist, Division of Wildlife Conservation, Alaska Department of Fish and Game
- Awarded emeritus status, 2019
- Chancellor's recognition for Excellence in Research, 2019
- Visiting Professor, Laboratory of Alpine Ecology, Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France, 2013
- Visiting Professor (honorary), Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Bialowieza, 2010-2012
- Marie Curie Fellow, Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Bialoweiza, 2010
- Distinguished Moose Biologist Award, North American Moose Conference and Workshop, 2007
- The Wildlife Society Group Achievement Award, 1992 (Awarded to the Kenai Moose Research Center)
- Certified Wildlife Biologist, The Wildlife Society
- The Wildlife Society
- American Society of Mammalogists
- American Genetic Association
- North American Moose Conference and Workshop
- The Boone and Crockett Club
- CARMA (CircumArctic Rangifer Monitoring and Assessment Network)
- Sigma Xi
- Ecology and Management of Large Mammals--WLF 421 (Fall semesters)
- Conservation Genetics--BIOL/WLF 433/633 (Spring semesters)
- Wildlife Management Techniques
- Wildlife Management Principles
Past Graduate Students
Jeffrey Frederick -- MS in Widllife Biology and Conservation (2015, co-supervised with S. Pyare); Thesis topic: Alpine thermal dynamics and associated constraints on the behavior of mountain goats in Southeast Alaska
Sophie Gilbert -- PhD in Biological Sciences--Wildlife (2015); Thesis topic: Environmental drivers of deer population dynamics and spatial selection in Southeast Alaska
Kim Jochum -- PhD in Biological Sciences--Wildlife (2015, co-supervised with L. Alessa); Thesis topic: Applying a social ecological systems approach to human-bear encounters across the Pacific Rim: advancing resilient human-wildlife management strategies
Anna Bryan -- MS in Biology (co-supervised with L. Horstmann-Dehn); Thesis topic: Identifying bearded and ringed seal diet—a comparison of stomach contents, stable isotopes, fatty acids, and fecal DNA
Kevin Colson -- MS in Wildlife Biology and Conservation (2013); Thesis topic: Genetic population structure of moose (Alces alces) at multiple spatial scales
Tania Lewis -- MS in Wildlife Biology and Conservation (2012, co-advised with S. Pyare); Thesis topic: Distribution model and population genetics of bears in Glacier Bay National Park.
Karen Mager -- PhD in Biological Sciences--Wildlife (2012); Resilience and Adaptation Program; Thesis topic: Identification and history of Teshekpuk Lake caribou: perspectives from landscape genetics and oral history.
Heidi Weigner -- PhD in Biological Sciences (2012, co-advised with F. von Hippel); Thesis topic: Morphological and genetic divergence of freshwater and anadromous species pairs of stickleback in recently deglaciated lakes.
Ben Kraft -- MS in Wildlife Biology and Conservation (2011); Thesis topic: Comparative movements and habitat use between adjacent high- and low-elevation moose populations.
Theresa Woldstad -- MS in Wildlife Biology and Conservation (2010); Thesis topic: Trichodectes canis, an invasive ectoparasite of Alaskan wolves: detection methods, current distribution, and ecological correlates of spread.
Todd Brinkman -- PhD in Biological Sciences--Wildlife (2009); Resilience and Adaptation Program (co-advised with T. Chapin); Thesis topic: Understanding key components of a deer hunting system to enhance resilience.
Geoffrey I. Hobbs, MSc in Wild Animal Biology (2004)
Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London and Royal Veterinary College
Thesis topic: Inbreeding and juvenile mortality in captive Gazella gazella. Currently a PhD student in Mike Bruford's lab at Cardiff University, Wales.
Department of Biology and Wildlife, UAF
- Chair, 2016-2018
- Chair, Wildlife Biology and Conservation Program, 2012, 2015-present
The Boone and Crockett Club
- Elected Professional Member, 2018-present
American Society of Mammalogists
- Co-chair, organizing committee, 89th Annual Meeting, 2009
- Resolutions Committee, 2003-2007
- Organizing committee, 59th Annual Meeting, 1979
Associate Editor, Alces, 1997-2002
Associate Editor, Acta Theriologica, 2010-2014
Editorial Board, Mammal Research, 2014-present
- Past-president, Alaska chapter, 2012-2013
- President, Alaska chapter, 2010-2011
- President-elect, Alaska chapter, 2008-2009
- Chair of organizing committee, Alaska Chapter Annual Meeting, Fairbanks, 2009
- Arrangements Committee, 13th Annual Conference, Anchorage, 2006
- Executive Committee, Alaska Chapter, 1992
- Secretary, Alaska Chapter, 1988
- Arrangements Committee, Northwest Section Meeting, 1987
Chair, Wood Bison Transplant Review Committee, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 2007
Member, Unimak Caribou Herd Science Team, USFWS/ADF&G, 2012-2013
Manuscript referee: Alces, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Conservation Ecology, Conservation Genetics, Conservation Genetics Resources, Ecography, Ecology, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management, Journal of Mammalogy, Journal of Wildlife Management, Journal for Nature Conservation, Marine Ecology Progress Series, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Oryx, Polar Biology, Wildlife Society Bulletin, Faculty of 1000
Proposal reviewer: National Science Foundation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada