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Mark Lindberg
I am a population ecologist with an interest in how a diverse set of factors affect dynamics of vertebrates. Most of my research has focused on avian populations with waterfowl as the primary study species. However, I am interested in population dynamics of a variety of taxa. I have a long-term and continued interest in explaining spatial and temporal mechanisms for observed dynamics and my recent research and that of my students has targeted how disease (notably, avian influenza), harvest, climate, and individual heterogeneity affect population ecology. Development and use of innnovative and quantitiatve sampling and anaytical approaches to studies of population dynamics also remains a specific component of my research. Finally, I am expanding my research program to include structured decsion making as a way of bringing science to a decision process.
- B.S. Biology, 1985, Indiana University of PA, Indiana, PA
- M.S. Wildlife Science, 1991, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
- Ph.D. Wildlife Management, August 1996, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK
- Professor, Wildlife Ecology, Department of Biology and Wildlife and Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks. August 2010-present.
- Associate Professor, Wildlife Ecology, Department of Biology and Wildlife and Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks. August 2004- 2010.
- Assistant Professor, Wildlife Ecology, Department of Biology and Wildlife and Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks. August 2001- 2004.
- Assistant Professor, Quantitative Population Ecology and Biometrics. Wildlife Biology Program, University of Montana. August 1998-August 2001.
- Research Scientist. Institute for Wetland and Waterfowl Research, Ducks Unlimited Inc. February 1997-June 1998.
- Postdoctoral Fellow. Institute for Wetland and Waterfowl Research. May 1996-February 1997.
- Webster Fellow. Delta Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Station. Manitoba, Canada, Spring & Summer 1986 & 1987.
- Research Assistant. Delta Waterfowl - South Carolina Coastal Waterfowl Project. Georgetown, SC, Nov. 1986 - Mar. 1987.
- Wildlife Technician. PA Game Commission. Seasonally, Fall 1984 - Winter 1986.
- Wildlife Technician. Canadian Wildlife Service. Labrador, Canada, Aug. - Sep. 1985.
Courses Taught at University of Alaska Fairbanks:
- WLF 419 - Waterfowl and Wetlands Ecology and Management
- WLF201 - Principle of Wildlife Management
- WLF 301 - Design of Wildlife Studies
- WLF410 - Wildlife Populations and Thier Management
- WLF 625 - Vertebrate Population Dynamics
- WLF 694 - Decision Analysis for Conservation
Courses Taught at University of Montana (1998-2001):
- WBIO 240 - Ecological Design and Analysis
- WBIO 470 - Conservation of Wildlife Populations
- WBIO 540 - Experimental Design
- WBIO 542 - Current Issues in Biometrics
- WBIO 572 - Analysis of Vertebrate Populations
- WBIO 580 - Readings in Population Dynamics
Past Graduate Students
- Scott Stephens (co-advised with Jay Rotella at MSU)
Project Title: Relationships Between Landscape Characteristics and Duck Production: Improving the Biological Basis for Management Decisions
Ph.D. Wildlife Biology, Fall 2003 - Johann Walker
Project Title: Breeding Ecology of Lesser and Greater Scaup at Minto Flats, Alaska
M.S. Wildlife Management, Spring 2004 - Brendan Moynahan (co-advised with Jack Ward Thomas)
Project Title: Spatial Variation in Population Dynamics of Sage Grouse
Ph.D. Wildlife Biology, December 2004 - John Citta (co-advised with Scott Mills)
Project Title: Population Dynamics of Mountain Bluebirds: The role of spatial variation and movements
Ph.D. Wildlife Biology, May 2005 - Bryce Lake
Project Title: Spatial Variation in Growth of Emperor Geese on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
M.S. Wildlife Biology, August 2005 - David Safine
Project Title: Breeding Ecology of White-winged Scoters at Yukon Flats, Alaska
M.S. Wildlife Biology, August 2005 - Kate Martin
Project Title: Breeding ecology and fasting tolerance of scaup and other ducks in the boreal forest of Alaska
M.S. Wildlife Biology, Summer 2007 - Brandt Meixell
Project Title: Population dynamics of tundra Swans on the Lower Alaska Peninsula
M.S. Wildlife Biology, Summer 2007 - Josh Schmidt
Project Title: The effects of climate change on the population dynamics of Trumpeter Swans
Ph.D. Wildlife Biology, Summer 2008 - John Pearce (co-chaied with Kevin McCracken)
Project Title: Site Fidelity: Definition, Measurement, and Implications for Population Stucture using Mark-Recapture, Genetic, and Comparative Data in the Hooded, Red-Breasted, and Common Merganser.
Ph.D. Biology, December 2008 - Aleya Nelson
co-advised with Dale Rabe (ADF&G)
Project Title: Ecology of Prince of Wales Island Spruce Grouse
M.S. Wildlife Biology and Conservation, Fall 2010 - Kristin DeGroot
co-advise with Perry Barboza
Project Title: Physiological Ecology of Lesser Scaup on the Yukon Flats
M.S. Wildlife Biology and Conservation, Spring 2011 - Johann Walker
co-advised with Jay Rotella (MSU)
Project Title: Temporal and spatial patterns of waterfowl production in North Dakota
Ph.D. Wildlife Biology, Spring 2011 - Ryan Kovach, (co-chair), Ph.D. Salmonid phenology, biocomplexity, and rapid adaptation in Alaskan streams. Fall 2012
- Katie Christie (co-chair), Ph.D. Ptarmigan as engineers of Arctic landscapes. 2014.
- Trevor Haynes, (co-chair), Ph.D. Habitat modeling and diet of Yellow-billed Loons in northern Alaska. Fall 2014.
- Tyler Lewis, (co-chair), Ph.D. Climatic change in boreal forest wetlands and its relation to wetland associated bird communities. 2015.
- Matt Smith (chair after Kevin McCracken left). Infection rates, parasitemia levels, and genetic diversity of hematozoa in new world waterfowl. 2015.
Past Post-Doctoral Fellows
- Mark Miller (post doc). Detection of climate-linked distributional shifts of breeding waterfowl across North America.
- Randy Mullen (post doc). Statistical assistance with data analysis, survey design, and monitoring protocol development for NWRs and NPS.