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. 2013.
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A test of alternative models for increased tissue nitrogen isotope ratios during fasting in hibernating arctic ground squirrels. Journal of Experimental Biology 215:3354–3361.
. 2013. Time-lagged variation in pond density and primary productivity affects duck nest survival in the Prairie Pothole Region. Ecological Applications:130228133738005.
. 2013. Using DNA to Test the Utility of Pellet-Group Counts as an Index of Deer Counts. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:444-450.
. 2013. The wisdom of crowds: Predicting a weather and climate-related event. Judgment and Decision Making 8: 91-105 .
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Chapter 10. Global Issues for, and Profiles of, Arctic Seabird Protection: Effects of Big Oil, New Shipping Lanes, Shifting Baselines, and Climate Change. Protection of the Three Poles:217–245.
. 2012. Climate affects food availability to planktivorous least auklets Aethia pusilla through physical processes in the southeastern Bering Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 454:207–220.
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Comparison of three methods for long-term monitoring of boreal lake area using Landsat TM and ETM. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 38:427–440.
. 2012. Diversification in North American arid lands: Niche conservatism, divergence and expansion of habitat explain speciation in the genus Ephedra. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 65:437–450.
. 2012. Diversity of nitrogen isotopes and protein status in caribou: implications for monitoring northern ungulates. Journal of Mammalogy 93:778 - 790.
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Enthalpy–Entropy Compensation and Cooperativity as Thermodynamic Epiphenomena of Structural Flexibility in Ligand–Receptor Interactions. Journal of Molecular Biology 417:454 - 467.
. 2012. An Evaluation of Monitoring Methods for the Endangered Giant Kangaroo Rat. Wildlife Society Bulletin 36:587–593.
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Genetic polymorphisms in carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A gene are associated with variation in body composition and fasting lipid traits in Yup’ik Eskimos. Journal of Lipid Research 53:175–184.
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Hibernation and Circadian Rhythms of Body Temperature in Free-Living Arctic Ground Squirrels. Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental PhysiologyZoology 85:397–404.
. 2012. Inhibition of NMDA-type glutamate receptors induces arousal from torpor in hibernating arctic ground squirrels (Urocitellus parryii). Journal of Neurochemistry 122:934–940.
. 2012. Inter-oceanic variation in patterns of host-associated divergence in a seabird ectoparasite. Journal of Biogeography 39:545–555.
. 2012. Investigating the deep supercooling ability of an Alaskan beetle, Cucujus clavipes puniceus, via high throughput proteomics. Journal of Proteomics 75:1220-1234.
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