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Found 1049 results
Callaghan, D. , and K. G. McCracken. 2005. Bird Families of the World, Ducks, Geese, and Swans. 343–346 in J. Kear.
Long, R. A. , T. J. Martin, and B. M. Barnes. 2005. Body temperature and activity patterns in free-living Arctic ground squirrels. Journal of Mammalogy 86:314-322.
Boyer, B. B. , G. V. Mohatt, C. Lardon, R. Plaetke, B. Luick, S. H. Hutchison, A. G. de Mayolo, E. Ruppert, and A. Bersamin. 2005. Building a community-based participatory research center to investigate obesity and diabetes in Alaska Natives. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 64:281–290.
Cameron, R. , W. T. Smith, R. G. White, and B. Griffith. 2005. Central Arctic caribou and petroleum development: distributional, nutritional, and reproductive implications 58:1 - 9.
Cameron, R. , W. T. Smith, R. G. White, and B. Griffith. 2005. Central Arctic caribou and petroleum development: distributional, nutritional, and reproductive implications. Arctic (Arctic Institute of North America) 58:1–9.
Yen, P. , S. Ziegler, F. Huettmann, and A. I. Onyeahialam. 2005. Change detection of forest and habitat resources from 1973 to 2001 in Bach Ma National Park, Vietnam, using remote sensing imagery. International Journal of Forestry 7:1–8.
Bennett, V. A. , T. Sformo, K. Walters, O. Toien, K. Jeannet, R. Hochstrasser, W. Pan, A. S. Serianni, B. M. Barnes, and J. G. Duman. 2005. Comparative overwintering physiology of Alaska and Indiana populations of the beetle Cucujus clavipes (Fabricius): roles of antifreeze proteins, polyols, dehydration and diapause. Journal of Experimental Biology 208:4467-4477.
Nocera, A. , A. Tagliamacco, A. Ferrante, I. Fontana, D. Rolla, R. De Palma, F. Del Galdo, F. Ginevri, S. Barocci, and U. Valente. 2005. Cytotoxic molecule mRNA expression in chronically rejected human kidney allografts.. Transplant Proc 37:2476-8.
Stephens, S. , J. Rotella, M. S. Lindberg, M. Taper, and J. Ringelman. 2005. Duck nest survival in the Missouri Coteau region of North Dakota: the effects of landscape characteristics at multiple spatial scales. Ecological Applications.
Harper, K. A. , S. E. Macdonald, P. J. Burton, J. Chen, K. D. Brosokfke, S. C. Saunders, E. S. Euskirchen, D. Roberts, M. S. Jaiteh, and P. - A. Esseen. 2005. Edge influence on forest structure and composition in fragmented landscapes. Conservation Biology 19:768–782.
Pélabon, C. , M. L. Carlson, T. F. Hanse, and W. S. Armbruster. 2005. Effects of crossing distance on offspring fitness and developmental stability in Dalchampia scandens (Euphorbiaceae) 92:842 - 851.
Elith, J. , S. Ferrier, F. Huettmann, and J. Leathwick. 2005. The evaluation strip: A new and robust method for plotting predicted responses from species distributions models. Ecological Modeling 186:280–289.
Hinzman, L. , N. D. Bettez, W. R. Bolton, F. S. Chapin III, R. Dyurgerov, C. L. Fastie, B. Griffith, R. D. Hollister, A. Hope, H. P. Huntington, A. M. Jensen, G. J. Jia, T. Jorgenson, D. L. Kane, D. R. Klein, G. Kofinas, A. H. Lynch, A. H. Lloyd, A. D. McGuire, F. E. Nelson, M. Nolan, W. C. Oechel, T. E. Osterkamp, C. H. Racine, V. E. Romanovsky, R. S. Stone, D. A. Stow, M. Sturm, C. E. Tweedie, G. L. Vourlitis, Walker, D. A. Walker, P. J. Webber, J. Welker, K. S. Winker, and K. Yoshimkawa. 2005. Evidence and implications of recent climate change in northern Alaska and other Arctic regions. Climatic Change 72:251–298.
Knott, K. K. , P. S. Barboza, and R. T. Bowyer. 2005. Growth in arctic ungulates: postnatal development and organ maturation in Rangifer tarandus and Ovibos moschatus. Journal of Mammalogy 86:121–130.
LeSage, C. M. , R. W. Merritt, and M. S. Wipfli. 2005. Headwater riparian invertebrate communitites associated with red alder and conifer wood and leaf litter in southeastern Alaska. Northwest Science 79:218–232.
Plaetke, R. , G. Mohatt, A. De Mayolo, A. Gorpashnaya, S. Hutchison, and B. Boyer. 2005. Impaired Glucose and Insulin Levels in a Yup’ik Eskimo Population. Diabetes 54:A.57.
Blums, P. , J. D. Nichols, J. E. Hines, M. Lindberg, and A. Mednis. 2005. Individual quality, survival variation and patterns of phenotypic selection on body condition and timing of nesting in birds. Oecologia 143:365–376.
Darnall, R. A. , M. B. Harris, W. H. Gill, J. M. Haffman, J. W. Brown, and M. M. Niblock. 2005. Inhibition of serotonergic neurons in the nucleus paragigantocellularis lateralis fragments sleep and decreases REM in the piglet: Implications for the sudden infant death syndrome. Journal of Neuroscience 25:8322–8332.
Chernetsov, N. , and F. Huettmann. 2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 133 in M. L. Gavrilova, Kumar, V. , and Gervasi, O. . . Springer-Verlag GmbH.
Onyeahialam, A. , and F. Huettmann. 2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 152 in M. L. Gavrilova, Jumar, V. , al., et, and Gervasi, O. . . Springer-Verlag GmbH.
Hicks, B. J. , M. S. Wipfli, D. W. Lang, and M. E. Lang. 2005. Marine-derived nitrogen an carbon in freshwater-riparian food webs of the Copper River Delta, southcentral Alaska. Oecologia 144:558–569.
