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White, R. G. , D. F. Holleman, M. E. Hubbert, and H. Staaland. 1987. Herbivores in cold climates. 465 - 486 in J. H. Ternouth and Hacker, J. B. The nutrition of herbivores. . Academic Press AustraliaMarrickville, New South Wales.
Batzli, G. O. , R. G. White, S. F. MacLean, F. A. Pitelka, and B. D. Collier. 1980. The herbivore-based trophic system. 335 - 410 in P. C. Miller, Tieszen, L. L. , Bunnell, F. L. , and Brown, J. An arctic ecosystem. The coastal tundra at Barrow, Alaska. . Dowden, Hutchinson and RossStroudsburg, PA.
Sedinger, J. S. , R. G. White, and W. E. Hauer. 1992. Heat increment of feeding and partitioning of dietary energy in yearling black brant 70:1047 - 1051.
O'Brien, K. M. , I. A. Mueller, J. I. Orczewska, K. R. Dullen, and M. Ortego. 2014. Hearts of some Antarctic fishes lack mitochondrial creatine kinase.. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol 178:30-6.
Medhurst, B. , M. Wipfli, C. Binckley, K. Polivka, P. Hessburg, and B. Salter. 2010. Headwater streams and forest management: Does ecoregional context influence logging effects on benthic communities?. Hydrobiologia 641:71–83.
LeSage, C. M. , R. W. Merritt, and M. S. Wipfli. 2005. Headwater riparian invertebrate communitites associated with red alder and conifer wood and leaf litter in southeastern Alaska. Northwest Science 79:218–232.
Kimbirauskas, R. K. , R. W. Merritt, M. S. Wipfli, and P. Hennon. 2008. Headwater macroinvertebrate community response to riparian red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) in southeast Alaska. The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 84:220–237.
Parker, K. L. , and P. S. Barboza. 2013. Hand-Rearing Wild Caribou Calves for Studies of Nutritional Ecology 32:163 - 171.
Zharikov, Y. , D. B. Lank, F. Huettmann, R. W. Bradley, N. Parker, P. P. W. Yen, L. A. Mcfarlane-Tranquilla, and F. Cooke. 2006. Habitat selectivity and breeding success in a forest-nesting Alcid, the marbled murrelet in two landscapes with different degrees of forest fragmentation. Landscape Ecology 21:107–120.
Bui, V. N. , H. Ogawa, , K. Karibe, K. Matsuo, S. S. A. Award, G. L. Minougou, S. Yoden, H. Haneda, L. H. Ngo, S. Tamaki, Y. Yamaoto, K. Nakamura, K. Saito, Y. Watanabe, J. Runstadler, F. Huettmann, G. M. Happ, and K. Imai. 2012. H4N8 subtype avian influenza virus isolated from shorebirds contains a unique PB1 gene and causes severe respiratory disease in mice. Virology 423:77–88.
Booms, T. L. , F. Huettmann, and P. F. Schempf. 2009. Gyrfalcon nest distribution in Alaska based on a predictive GIS model. Polar Biology online.
Schwartz, C. C. , K. J. Hundertmark, and E. F. Becker. 1994. GROWTH OF MOOSE CALVES CONCEIVED DURING THE FIRST. Alces 30:91–100.
Knott, K. K. , P. S. Barboza, and R. T. Bowyer. 2005. Growth in arctic ungulates: postnatal development and organ maturation in Rangifer tarandus and Ovibos moschatus. Journal of Mammalogy 86:121–130.
Peltier, T. C. , and P. S. Barboza. 2003. Growth in an Arctic grazer: effects of sex and dietary nitrogen on yearling muskoxen. Journal of Mammalogy 84:915–925.
Price, M. A. , and R. G. White. 1985. Growth and development. 183 - 213 in R. G. White and Hudson, R. J. Bioenergetics of wild herbivores. . CRC PressBoca Raton, FL.
Gerhart, K. L. , R. G. White, R. D. Cameron, and D. E. Russell. 1996. Growth and body composition of arctic caribou:393 - 394.
Benowitz-Fredericks, Z. M. , A. S. Kitaysky, and C. W. Thompson. 2006. Growth and allocation in captive common murre (uria aalge) chicks. The Auk 123:1–13.
Perkin, J. S. , K. B. Gido, J. A. Falke, K. D. Fausch, H. Crockett, E. R. Johnson, and J. Sanderson. 2017. Groundwater declines are linked to changes in Great Plains stream fish assemblages. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114:7373-7378.
Jones, J. B. . 2002. Groundwater controls on nutrient cycling in a Mojave desert stream. Freshwater Biology 47:971.
Klein, D. R. , and R. G. White. 1978. Grazing ecology of caribou and reindeer in tundra systems. 469 - 472 in 1st International Rangeland Congress.
