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Callaghan, D. , and K. G. McCracken. 2005. Bird Families of the World, Ducks, Geese, and Swans. 213 in J. Kear. . Oxford University Press.
Cairns, D. K. , A. J. Gaston, and F. Huettmann. 2008. Endothermy, ectothermy and the global structure of marine vertebrate communities. Marine Ecology Progress Series 356:239–250.
Bulgarella, M. , J. L. Sorenson, R. E. Wilson, and K. G. McCracken. 2010. Phylogenetic relationships of Amazonetta, Speculanas, Lophonetta, and Tachyeres: four morphologically divergent duck genera endemic to South America. Journal of Avian Biology 41:186–199.
Bulgarella, M. , J. L. Peters, C. Kopuchian, T. Valqui, R. E. Wilson, and K. G. McCracken. 2012. Multilocus coalescent analysis of haemoglobin differentiation between low- and high-altitude populations of crested ducks (Lophonetta specularioides). Molecular Ecology 21.
Bui, V. N. , H. Ogawa, , K. Karibe, K. Matsuo, S. S. A. Award, G. L. Minougou, S. Yoden, H. Haneda, L. H. Ngo, S. Tamaki, Y. Yamaoto, K. Nakamura, K. Saito, Y. Watanabe, J. Runstadler, F. Huettmann, G. M. Happ, and K. Imai. 2012. H4N8 subtype avian influenza virus isolated from shorebirds contains a unique PB1 gene and causes severe respiratory disease in mice. Virology 423:77–88.
Buck, L. C. , and B. M. Barnes. 2000. Effects of ambient temperature on metabolic rate, respiratory quotient, and torpor in an arctic hibernator. American Journal of Physiology 279:R255-R262.
Buck, C. L. , and B. M. Barnes. 1999. Annual cycle of body composition and hibernation in free-living arctic ground squirrels. Journal of Mammalogy 80:430-442.
Buck, L. C. , and B. M. Barnes. 1999. Temperatures of hibernacula and changes in body composition of arctic ground squirrels over winter. Journal of Mammalogy 80:1264-1276.
Bubenik, G. A. , and K. J. Hundertmark. 2002. Accessory antlers in male Cervidae. European Journal of Wildlife Research 48:10–21.
Bubenik, G. A. , D. Schams, R. G. White, J. Rowell, J. Blake, and L. Bartos. 1997. Seasonal levels of reproductive hormones and their relationship to the antler cycle of male and female reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) 116b:269 - 277.
Bubenik, G. A. , D. Schams, R. G. White, J. Rowell, J. Blake, and L. Bartos. 1998. Seasonal levels of metabolic hormones and substrates in male and female reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) 120c:307 - 315.
Brinkman, T. J. , D. K. Person, M. K. Schwartz, K. L. Pilgrim, K. E. Colson, and K. J. Hundertmark. 2010. Individual identification of Sitka black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis) using DNA from fecal pellets. Conservation Genetics Resources 2:115–118.
Brinkman, T. J. , D. K. Person, W. Smith, S. F. Chapin, K. McCoy, M. Leonawicz, and K. J. Hundertmark. 2013. Using DNA to Test the Utility of Pellet-Group Counts as an Index of Deer Counts. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:444-450.
Brinkman, T. J. , and K. J. Hundertmark. 2008. Sex identification of northern ungulates using low quality and quantity DNA. Conservation Genetics 10:1189–1193.
Brinkman, T. J. , D. K. Person, S. F. Chapin, W. Smith, and K. J. Hundertmark. 2011. Estimating abundance of Sitka black-tailed deer using DNA from fecal pellets. The Journal of Wildlife Management 75:232–242.
Brinkman, T. J. , M. K. Schwartz, D. K. Person, K. L. Pilgrim, and K. J. Hundertmark. 2009. Effects of time and rainfall on PCR success using DNA extracted from deer fecal pellets. Conservation Genetics 11:1547–1552.
Bret-Harte, M. S. , E. A. García, V. M. Sacré, J. R. Whorley, J. L. Wagner, S. C. Lippert, and F. S. Chapin III. 2004. Plant and soil responses to neighbor removal and fertilization in Alaskan tussock tundra 92:635 - 647.
Bret-Harte, S. M. , M. C. Mack, G. R. Goldsmith, D. B. Sloan, J. DeMarco, G. R. Shaver, P. M. Ray, Z. Biesinger, and S. F. Chapin III. 2008. Plant functional types do not predict biomass responses to removal and fertilization in Alaskan tussock tundra. Journal of Ecology 96:713 - 726.
Brennan, P. L. R. , R. O. Prum, K. G. McCracken, M. D. Sorenson, R. E. Wilson, and T. R. Birkhead. 2007. Coevolution of male and female genital morphology in waterfowl. PLoS ONE 2:e419.
Brashares, J. S. , L. R. Prugh, C. J. Stoner, and C. W. Epps. 2010. Ecological and conservation implications of mesopredator release. 221-240 in J. Terborgh and Estes, J. Trophic cascades. . Island PressWashington DC.
Boyer, B. B. , G. V. Mohatt, R. L. Pasker, E. M. Drew, and K. K. McGlone. 2007. Sharing Results from Complex Disease Genetics Studies: A Community Based Participatory Research Approach. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 66:19–30.
Boyer, B. B. , B. M. Barnes, J. Kopecky, A. Jacobsson, and J. Hermanska. 1993. Molecular control of prehibernation brown fat growth in arctic ground squirrels. 483-491 in G. L. Florant, Wunder, B. A. , Horwitz, B. , and Carey, C. Life in the cold: ecological, physiological, and molecular mechanisms. . Westview PressBoulder.
